jueves, 3 de agosto de 2023



Fuegos y asesinatos arden en los desiertos del sur de California en Blacking Out, próximamente disponible en Dark Horse Books. Originalmente financiada en Kickstarter, esta aventura criminal negra se publicará por primera vez como una novela gráfica de tapa dura. De la mente del escritor y veterano de la industria del cómic Chip Mosher (Left On Mission) y el legendario artista Peter Krause (The Power of Shazam!, Irredeemable), con colores de Giulia Brusco (Scalped, Django Unchained), letras de Ed Dukeshire (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) y el logotipo de Tom Muller (Mazebook) llega este nuevo thriller oscuro.
Un ex policía caído en desgracia, Conrad, busca la redención al desentrañar un asesinato sin resolver durante la temporada de incendios del sur de California. Conrad sigue una pista solitaria, un crucifijo desechado, para desentrañar la muerte de Karen Littleton, cuyo cuerpo fue encontrado en medio de un incendio que quemó 10,000 acres. La búsqueda lo lleva a chocar con el padre de la víctima y principal sospechoso, Robert Littleton, así como con antiguos colegas hostiles de la policía local. Mientras tanto, Conrad combate su alcoholismo y sus facultades debilitadas.
¿Sus métodos "cuestionables" lo convertirán en un asesino, o el detective canoso se pondrá de rodillas por la angustia y la adicción? Descúbrelo en esta edición completamente nueva de Blacking Out, un cómico de crimen negro abrasador ambientado en un pequeño pueblo en el seco desierto de California.

La tapa dura de Blacking Out estará disponible en las librerías el 23 de abril de 2024 y en las tiendas de historietas el 24 de abril de 2024. Está disponible para pre-pedido ahora en Amazon, Barnes and Noble y en su tienda de historietas y librería local y tendrá un costo de $19.99.

Para obtener más información sigan a @DarkHorseComics como @Darkhorsecomics en las redes sociales para obtener más noticias, anuncios y actualizaciones



Blacking Out

Get ready for a thrilling, action-packed comedic adventure

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (August 3, 2023)Fire and murder blaze across the deserts of Southern California in Blacking Out, coming soon from Dark Horse Books. Originally funded on Kickstarter, this noir crime adventure will be published for the first time as a hardcover graphic novel. From the minds of comics industry veteran and writer Chip Mosher (Left On Mission) and legendary artist Peter Krause (The Power of Shazam!, Irredeemable), with colors by Giulia Brusco (Scalped, Django Unchained), letters by Ed Dukeshire (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and logo by Tom Muller (Mazebook) comes this new dark thriller.


A disgraced ex-cop, Conrad, seeks redemption by unraveling an unsolved murder during Southern California's fire season. Conrad follows a lone clue—a discarded crucifix—to unravel the death of Karen Littleton, whose body was found amid a blaze that scorched 10,000 acres. The search leads him to clash with the victim's father and prime suspect, Robert Littleton, as well as hostile former colleagues on the local police force. All the while, Conrad combats his consuming alcoholism and fading faculties. 


Will his “questionable” methods net him a murderer, or will the grizzled detective be brought to his knees by heartbreak and addiction? Find out in this all-new edition of Blacking Out, a scorching crime noir comic set in a small town in the dry California desert.

The Blacking Out hardcover will be available in bookstores April 23, 2024 and in comic shops April 24, 2024. It is available for pre-order now on AmazonBarnes and Noble and at your local comic shop and bookstore and will retail for $19.99.


Praise for Blacking out:


 “A compelling story that moves like a rocket and artwork that’s stunning. When is award season again?” - Mark Waid


 “A tasty comics noir for your lockdown reading. A fast-paced page turner that really delivers.”—Derf Backderf, My Friend Dahmer, Kent State 


 “Start with the inky atmospheric drawings. Take the narrative familiars: bad cop seeking redemption, small town with big secrets, people wanting what they can’t have. Toss them in the spin cycle.”—Betsy Willeford


“… a lovely fire-scorched brick to the head, in the Sweaty Noir tradition of Hell or High Water and Dragged Across Concrete… no one does this kind of hardscrabble tale better.”—Bill Willingham, Fables


“…a hard drinking, hard boiled mystery with a finale that lands like a ton of bricks—do not miss it.”—Gerry Duggan, Dead Eyes, Deadpool


 "A rural crime tale with more twists and turns than a backcountry road.”—Ed Brisson, Sheltered, Old Man Logan 

For more information, follow @DarkHorseComics as @Darkhorsecomics on social media for more news, announcements, and updates!

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