miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024



Ghost Machine anunció hoy que el colorista Brad Anderson y el rotulador Rob Leigh se han unido oficialmente a las filas de su lista exclusiva de creadores. Reconocidos mundialmente como maestros absolutos de su oficio, Anderson y Leigh ya han sido parte integral del éxito de Ghost Machine desde el lanzamiento oficial de la compañía en la Comic-Con de Nueva York en octubre de 2023. Anderson y Leigh se han unido a otros copropietarios y cocreadores de Ghost Machine. Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Geoff Johns, Lamont Magee, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Ivan Reis, Peter Snejbjerg, Peter J. Tomasi y Maytal Zchut, todos ellos exclusivos de Ghost Machine por su trabajo en cómics una vez. proyectos ya comprometidos que se han completado.

Colores de la portada de Geiger #2 de Brad Anderson
“Tenemos mucha suerte de que los mejores coloristas y rotuladores que trabajan hoy en día se hayan unido a Ghost Machine. Brad y Rob aportan un talento excepcional y una gran experiencia a nuestro equipo y su pasión por lo visual salta absolutamente de la página en cada paso. Desde el inicio de la compañía, la brillantez individual de Brad y Rob ha sido invaluable para todo lo que hacemos, por lo que estamos encantados de convertirlos oficialmente en 100% Ghosts”, dijeron los creadores en un comunicado conjunto. “Con demasiada frecuencia, en este negocio se pasa por alto a los coloristas y las letras y no se les dan las mismas consideraciones de equidad que a otros creadores, a pesar de que son vitales para la calidad, coherencia y longevidad de los títulos y personajes de los que forman parte. Estamos orgullosos de seguir abriendo nuevos caminos como creadores y propietarios en este negocio que amamos pero que necesita evolucionar”.

Brad Anderson

“Es difícil expresar con palabras lo que significa para mí ser parte de un grupo como este. He admirado y inspirado a estos creadores durante años, y ser socios en Ghost Machine de profesionales y magos emprendedores así, a quienes llamo amigos, es increíblemente especial”. dijo BradAnderson. “Valoro la confianza que depositan en mí y en mi trabajo, y ser reconocido por gigantes de la industria significa más de lo que puedo decir. Estoy muy emocionado, no sólo por nosotros, sino también por que los fans vean y se enamoren de los personajes y las historias que Ghost Machine está creando”.
Rob Leigh añadió: “Soy muy afortunado de disfrutar de una larga carrera en el cómic: un sueño de infancia hecho realidad. Y si bien he logrado muchos objetivos, lo que me faltaba era la capacidad de trazar mi propio rumbo y tener un interés significativo en el trabajo creado. Cuando Geoff se puso en contacto conmigo para describirme su visión de una empresa en la que todas las propiedades sean propiedad de los talentos y estén controladas por ellos (creadores no sólo en la cúspide del campo, sino a quienes admiro y respeto a nivel personal), no pude abordar la MÁQUINA FANTASMA. ¡Envíe lo suficientemente rápido!

Trabajo de Rotulacion de Rob Leigh

La calidad de Anderson y Leigh quedó en plena exhibición en la reciente triple venta de sus números debut Geiger #1, Redcoat #1 y Rook: Exodus #1 de Ghost Machine. Image Comics, que publica todos los títulos de Ghost Machine, se apresuró a volver a imprimir los tres primeros números, y los segundos números se publicarán en mayo.

Rob Leigh

En Geiger #2, Tariq Geiger, su lobo de dos cabezas Barney y su sorprendente nuevo compañero comienzan su búsqueda a lo largo de las carreteras radiactivas de los antiguos Estados Unidos para encontrar una cura para la condición de propulsión nuclear del Hombre Resplandeciente. Pero para obtener la información que necesitan, el equipo de Geiger primero debe ayudar a un sheriff local a atrapar y matar a un asaltante enmascarado que está saqueando la ciudad. Pero lo que Geiger finalmente descubre le produce escalofríos hasta los huesos verdes y brillantes. Y The Electrician no se queda atrás... Geiger #2 de Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson y Rob Leigh estará en las tiendas el 8 de mayo.
Redcoat #2 continúa con Simon Pure perseguido por una secta sedienta de sangre. El mercenario inmortal descubre que sus poderes pueden tener sus límites y el ex soldado británico debe aceptar la ayuda de un genio de 12 años llamado Albert Einstein. Redcoat #2 de Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Brad Anderson y Rob Leigh, se publica el 15 de mayo.
Rook: Exodus #2 presenta nuevos aliados y amenazas. Con la población animal importada creciendo fuera de control y el motor del mundo fallando, el guardián conocido sólo como Rook ahora también debe enfrentarse al maestro oso hambriento de poder Ursaw, quien no descansará hasta que todos los guardianes de Exodus estén muertos. Mientras Dire Wolf también caza a Rook, solo queda una pregunta sobre la líder de la manada de lobos... ¿es amiga o enemiga? Rook: Exodus #2 de Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Brad Anderson y Rob Leigh, sale a la venta el 22 de mayo.
El innovador colectivo de creadores de Ghost Machine se lanzó en la Comic Con de Nueva York en octubre de 2023 y cuenta con una alineación mundial de artistas y escritores de primer nivel, cuyas obras icónicas y galardonadas incluyen quién es quién de leyendas del cómic como Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Aquaman, Stargirl, JSA, The Flash, The Ultimates, Black Lightning, Green Arrow y muchos más: @geoffmjohns @mzchut @peterj.tomasi @lamagee33 @bradmeltzer @francis_manapul @1moregaryfrank @bryanhitchcomics @ivanreisart @jfabok @comicbrad @peter_snejbjerg y Rob Leigh.. Por primera vez en la industria, todos los creadores de Ghost Machine poseen y dirigen la empresa en conjunto, compartiendo todas las publicaciones, medios, comercialización y licencias de Ghost Machine. Cada creador es exclusivo de la empresa por su trabajo en cómics después de completar los proyectos con los que ya se ha comprometido.

Los títulos de Ghost Machine se publicarán a través de Image Comics (https://imagecomics.com/).
Página de inicio de Ghost Machine: https://ghostmachinepro.com/
Tienda online de Ghost Machine: https://ghostmachinepro.threadless.com/
Instagram, YouTube, Facebook: @ghostmachinepro

Acerca de Ghost Machine

Ghost Machine es la primera empresa de medios de su tipo, operada y propiedad de creadores, fundada en octubre de 2023 por una lista mundial de artistas y escritores de primer nivel, cuyas obras icónicas y galardonadas incluyen quién es quién de las leyendas del cómic. como Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, The Flash, The Ultimates, Black Lightning y Green Arrow: Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Geoff Johns, Lamont Magee, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Peter J. Tomasi y Maytal Zchut. Los creadores son exclusivos de Ghost Machine por su trabajo en cómics después de completar sus proyectos ya comprometidos, y son copropietarios de todos los personajes y universos desarrollados para Ghost Machine, compartiendo todas las publicaciones, medios, productos y más. Basándose en la innovadora base de Image Comics, la compañía prioriza al artista y comprende el poder que surge al unirse con otros. GHOST MACHINE no es solo para los creadores de hoy, sino también para las superestrellas del mañana. En enero de 2024, Ghost Machine #01 presentará cuatro universos compartidos: (1) THE UNNAMED; GEIGER, JUNKYARD JOE, REDCOAT y PRIMER FANTASMA. Se está desarrollando una adaptación de GEIGER TV en Paramount TV con el director Justin Simien; (2) ROOK: EXODUS; (3) FAMILY ODYSSEYS, THE ROCKETFELLERS; y su HORROR UNIVERSE con 4) HYDE STREET.  Después de Ghost Machine #1, los títulos de Ghost Machine comenzarán a distribuirse en abril de 2024 con una nueva serie GEIGER en curso, REDCOAT y ROOK: EXODUS. https://ghostmachinepro.com/





LOS ANGELES, CA (May 8, 2024) – Ghost Machine announced today that colorist Brad Anderson and letterer Rob Leigh have officially joined the ranks of its exclusive creator roster. Globally recognized as absolute masters of their craft, Anderson and Leigh have already been integral to Ghost Machine’s success since the company’s official launch at New York Comic-Con in October 2023. Anderson and Leigh have joined fellow Ghost Machine co-owners and co-creators Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Geoff Johns, Lamont Magee, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Ivan Reis, Peter Snejbjerg, Peter J. Tomasi, and Maytal Zchut, who are all fully exclusive to Ghost Machine for their comic book work once projects already committed to have been completed. 


“We are so lucky that the very best colorist and letterer working today have joined Ghost Machine. Brad and Rob bring exceptional talent and a wealth of experience to our team and their passion for the visual absolutely jumps off the page at each turn. Since the inception of the company Brad and Rob’s individual brilliance has been invaluable to everything we do, so we are thrilled to now officially make them 100% Ghosts,” said the creators in a joint statement. “Too often colorists and letters are overlooked in this business and not given the same equity considerations as other creators despite them being vital to the quality, consistency and longevity of the titles and characters they are a part of manifesting. We’re proud to continue to make new ground as creators and owners in this business we love but that needs to evolve.”

“It’s hard to put into words what it means to me to be a part of a group such as this. I’ve looked up to and have been inspired by these creators for years, and to be partners in Ghost Machine with such professionals and entrepreneurial wizards, who I call friends, is incredibly special.” said Brad Anderson. “I value the trust they put into me and my work, and to be recognized by such giants in the industry means more than I can say. I am so excited, not only for us, but for the fans to see, and fall in love with the characters and stories Ghost Machine is creating.”


Rob Leigh added: “I am extremely fortunate to be enjoying a long career in comics—a childhood dream come true. And while I’ve achieved many goals, what had been missing was the ability to plot my own course and to have a meaningful stake in the work created. When Geoff contacted me describing his vision of a company where all properties are owned and controlled by the talent—creators not only at the apex of the field, but who I admire and respect on a personal level—I couldn’t board the GHOST MACHINE ship fast enough!”


Anderson and Leigh’s quality was on full display in Ghost Machine’s recent triple sell-out of its debut issues Geiger #1, Redcoat #1 and Rook: Exodus #1. Image Comics, which publishes all Ghost Machine titles, rushed all three first issues back to print, with second issues following this May. 


In Geiger #2, Tariq Geiger, his two-headed wolf Barney, and their surprising newfound companion begin their quest along the radioactive roads of the former United States to find a cure for the Glowing Man’s nuclear-powered condition. But in order to obtain the information they need, Geiger’s crew must first help a local sheriff catch and kill a masked raider that's pillaging the town. But what Geiger ultimately discovers chills him to his glowing green bones. And The Electrician isn’t far behind… Geiger #2 from Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh will be in stores May 8. 


Redcoat #2 picks up with Simon Pure hunted by a bloodthirsty cult. The immortal mercenary discovers his powers may have its limits and the former British soldier must accept help from a 12-year-old genius named Albert Einstein. Redcoat #2 from Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh, publishes May 15. 


Rook: Exodus #2 introduces new allies and threats. With the imported animal population growing out of control and the world’s engine failing, the warden known only as Rook must now also face the power-hungry bear master Ursaw, who won’t rest until all of Exodus’ wardens are dead. As Dire Wolf also hunts down Rook, only one question remains about the wolves’ pack leader…is she friend or foe? Rook: Exodus #2 from Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh, goes on sale May 22. 


Ghost Machine’s groundbreaking creator collective was launched at New York Comic Con in October 2023 and features a global best-of-class lineup of artists and writers whose award-winning and iconic works include a who’s who of comic book legends such as Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Aquaman, Stargirl, JSA, The Flash, The Ultimates, Black Lightning, Green Arrow and countless more: Brad Anderson, Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Geoff Johns, Rob Leigh, Lamont Magee, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Ivan Reis, Peter Snejbjerg, Peter J. Tomasi, and Maytal Zchut. In an industry first, all of Ghost Machine’s creators jointly own and run the company, sharing in all of Ghost Machine’s publishing, media, merchandising and licensing. Each creator is exclusive to the company for their comic book work after completing projects already committed to. 

Ghost Machine’s titles will be published through Image Comics (https://imagecomics.com/).   


Buy Ghost Machine Merchandise 

Visit Ghost Machine Homepage 

Follow Ghost Machine on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook: @ghostmachinepro 


About Ghost Machine

Ghost Machine is a first-of-its-kind creator-owned and operated media company founded in October 2023 by a global best-of-class roster of artists and writers whose award-winning and iconic works include a who’s who of comic book legends such as Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, The Flash, The Ultimates, Black Lightning and Green Arrow: Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Geoff Johns, Lamont Magee, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Peter J. Tomasi, and Maytal Zchut. Creators are exclusive to Ghost Machine for their comics work after completing their already committed to projects, and co-own all the characters and universes developed for Ghost Machine, sharing in all publishing, media, merchandise, and beyondBuilding on the groundbreaking foundation of Image Comics, the company prioritizes the artist and understands the power that comes from uniting with others. GHOST MACHINE isn’t only for the creators of today, but built for the superstars of tomorrow. In January 2024, Ghost Machine #01 will introduce four shared universes: (1) THE UNNAMED; GEIGER, JUNKYARD JOE, REDCOAT and FIRST GHOST. A GEIGER TV adaptation is in development at Paramount TV with director Justin Simien; (2) ROOK: EXODUS; (3) FAMILY ODYSSEYS, THE ROCKETFELLERS; and its HORROR UNIVERSE with 4) HYDE STREET. Following Ghost Machine #1, Ghost Machine’s titles will begin shipping in April 2024 with an all-new ongoing GEIGER series, REDCOAT and ROOK: EXODUS. https://ghostmachinepro.com/





LOS ANGELES, CA (May 8, 2024) – Ghost Machine announced today that colorist Brad Anderson and letterer Rob Leigh have officially joined the ranks of its exclusive creator roster. Globally recognized as absolute masters of their craft, Anderson and Leigh have already been integral to Ghost Machine’s success since the company’s official launch at New York Comic-Con in October 2023. Anderson and Leigh have joined fellow Ghost Machine co-owners and co-creators Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Geoff Johns, Lamont Magee, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Ivan Reis, Peter Snejbjerg, Peter J. Tomasi, and Maytal Zchut, who are all fully exclusive to Ghost Machine for their comic book work once projects already committed to have been completed. 


“We are so lucky that the very best colorist and letterer working today have joined Ghost Machine. Brad and Rob bring exceptional talent and a wealth of experience to our team and their passion for the visual absolutely jumps off the page at each turn. Since the inception of the company Brad and Rob’s individual brilliance has been invaluable to everything we do, so we are thrilled to now officially make them 100% Ghosts,” said the creators in a joint statement. “Too often colorists and letters are overlooked in this business and not given the same equity considerations as other creators despite them being vital to the quality, consistency and longevity of the titles and characters they are a part of manifesting. We’re proud to continue to make new ground as creators and owners in this business we love but that needs to evolve.”

“It’s hard to put into words what it means to me to be a part of a group such as this. I’ve looked up to and have been inspired by these creators for years, and to be partners in Ghost Machine with such professionals and entrepreneurial wizards, who I call friends, is incredibly special.” said Brad Anderson. “I value the trust they put into me and my work, and to be recognized by such giants in the industry means more than I can say. I am so excited, not only for us, but for the fans to see, and fall in love with the characters and stories Ghost Machine is creating.”


Rob Leigh added: “I am extremely fortunate to be enjoying a long career in comics—a childhood dream come true. And while I’ve achieved many goals, what had been missing was the ability to plot my own course and to have a meaningful stake in the work created. When Geoff contacted me describing his vision of a company where all properties are owned and controlled by the talent—creators not only at the apex of the field, but who I admire and respect on a personal level—I couldn’t board the GHOST MACHINE ship fast enough!”


Anderson and Leigh’s quality was on full display in Ghost Machine’s recent triple sell-out of its debut issues Geiger #1, Redcoat #1 and Rook: Exodus #1. Image Comics, which publishes all Ghost Machine titles, rushed all three first issues back to print, with second issues following this May. 


In Geiger #2, Tariq Geiger, his two-headed wolf Barney, and their surprising newfound companion begin their quest along the radioactive roads of the former United States to find a cure for the Glowing Man’s nuclear-powered condition. But in order to obtain the information they need, Geiger’s crew must first help a local sheriff catch and kill a masked raider that's pillaging the town. But what Geiger ultimately discovers chills him to his glowing green bones. And The Electrician isn’t far behind… Geiger #2 from Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh will be in stores May 8. 


Redcoat #2 picks up with Simon Pure hunted by a bloodthirsty cult. The immortal mercenary discovers his powers may have its limits and the former British soldier must accept help from a 12-year-old genius named Albert Einstein. Redcoat #2 from Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh, publishes May 15. 


Rook: Exodus #2 introduces new allies and threats. With the imported animal population growing out of control and the world’s engine failing, the warden known only as Rook must now also face the power-hungry bear master Ursaw, who won’t rest until all of Exodus’ wardens are dead. As Dire Wolf also hunts down Rook, only one question remains about the wolves’ pack leader…is she friend or foe? Rook: Exodus #2 from Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh, goes on sale May 22. 


Ghost Machine’s groundbreaking creator collective was launched at New York Comic Con in October 2023 and features a global best-of-class lineup of artists and writers whose award-winning and iconic works include a who’s who of comic book legends such as Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Aquaman, Stargirl, JSA, The Flash, The Ultimates, Black Lightning, Green Arrow and countless more: Brad Anderson, Jason Fabok, Gary Frank, Bryan Hitch, Geoff Johns, Rob Leigh, Lamont Magee, Francis Manapul, Brad Meltzer, Ivan Reis, Peter Snejbjerg, Peter J. Tomasi, and Maytal Zchut. In an industry first, all of Ghost Machine’s creators jointly own and run the company, sharing in all of Ghost Machine’s publishing, media, merchandising and licensing. Each creator is exclusive to the company for their comic book work after completing projects already committed to. 

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