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Rompezacezas con la obra Planet Ocean |
Ahora Clover Press está financiando colectivamente SPAWN TILL YOU DIE: THE FIN ART OF RAY TROLL, que recopila más de 40 años de arte sospechoso, divertido e inspirador de este artista icónico.
“Estoy encantado de trabajar con el equipo súper talentoso de Clover Press, que ha curado mi trabajo de toda una vida”, dijo Ray Troll. “Han desenterrado algunas gemas olvidadas de mi catálogo profundo. Robbie Robbins, otro cabeza de pez, ha hecho un trabajo increíble con su agudo ojo de diseñador, juntándolo todo. Este va a ser un libro muy bueno y muy sospechoso”.
“Siempre hay mucho que aprender en una obra de arte de Ray Troll y, a menudo, te ríes y te preguntas”, dice David Craig en el prólogo del libro. "Este libro es para todos nosotros (muchos de nosotros nerds) obsesionados con la creatividad inteligente, la hermosa atención a la naturaleza y las rarezas de Ray Troll".
"No está en la naturaleza de un artista disfrutar de que su trabajo se convierta en 'icónico'. El término implica algo demasiado final sobre el proceso creativo, especialmente cuando un dibujo, una pintura o una escultura surgen temprano en su vida y obra", dice el escritor. Brad Matsen en la introducción del libro. Sin embargo, Spawn Till You Die de Ray Troll tiene el poder y la génesis de algo tan inevitable que parece haber existido incluso antes de que su impulso artístico le diera vida. Él era simplemente el medio para su expresión”.
“El arte de Troll es profundamente estimulante, pero también divertido de experimentar y nunca está lejos de ser una broma interna que parece estar compartiendo con todos”, dijo Hank Kanalz, editor de Clover Press. “Algunas de sus piezas son divertidamente irónicas, otras son maravillosamente surrealistas y evocadoras de la interconexión de la vida en la Tierra. SPAWN TILL YOU DIE: THE FIN ART OF RAY TROLL es el complemento perfecto para la creciente línea de libros de arte de tapa dura de Clover”.
“Es un puro placer trabajar con Ray en este libro de arte, expandiendo su increíble viaje artístico. Como pescador, estoy enganchado a su arte explorando las criaturas de las aguas del océano”, dijo el editor y diseñador Robbie Robbins. “Como aficionado a los cómics, me atrae su estilo artístico de Robert Crumb y, como amante del arte, me asombra su atención a los detalles científicos en sus sujetos”.
Sumérjase en las fantásticas realidades de las criaturas marinas y los animales prehistóricos que cobran vida con realismo científico y un peculiar sentido del humor con SPAWN TILL YOU DIE: THE FIN ART OF RAY TROLL, en vivo ahora en Kickstarter.
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SPAWN TILL YOU DIE: THE FIN ART OF RAY TROLL Collects Over 40 Years of Fishy, Funny and Inspiring Art
From Iconic and Celebrated Alaskan Artist Ray Troll
For more than four decades, the celebrated Alaskan artist Ray Troll has been luring, hooking, and landing fans around the world with his mesmerizing renditions of the inhabitants of Planet Ocean, past and present. Part natural history adventure and part underground comic, Troll’s art depicts beautiful and accurately drawn creatures of all kinds, with a special fondness for weird fish served up with a twist of Freud and Darwin, along with fossils, resurrections of strange extinct animals, and much more. His acclaimed art is featured in many of the nation’s major natural history museums, as well as in galleries, books, and on a popular line of t-shirts.
Now Clover Press is crowdfunding SPAWN TILL YOU DIE: THE FIN ART OF RAY TROLL, which collects over 40 years of fishy, funny, and inspiring art from this iconic artist. SPAWN TILL YOU DIE: THE FIN ART OF RAY TROLL features a foreword by David Craig of Willamette University, and an introduction by Brad Matsen, author of Titanic’s Last Secrets and Jacques Cousteau: The Sea King. Fans can follow the campaign’s pre-launch page to get an email when the project launches.
“I’m thrilled to be working with the uber talented crew at Clover Press who’ve curated a lifetime’s worth of my work,” said Ray Troll. “They’ve unearthed some forgotten gems from my deep catalog. Robbie Robbins, a fellow fish head, has done an amazing job with his keen designer’s eye, pulling it all together. This is going to be one very fine and very fishy book.”
“There is always so much to learn in a Ray Troll artwork, and you often get to laugh and wonder,” says David Craig in the book's foreword. “This book is for all of us (many of us nerds) obsessed with Ray Troll’s intelligent creativity, beautiful attention to nature, and weirdness.”
“It is not in the nature of an artist to enjoy his work becoming ‘iconic.’ The term implies something too final about the creative process, especially when a drawing, painting, or sculpture emerges early in his life and work,” says writer Brad Matsen in the book’s introduction. “Ray Troll’s Spawn Till You Die, though, has the power and genesis of something so inevitable it seems to have existed even before his artistic impulse brought it to life. He was simply the medium for its expression.”
“Troll’s art is deeply thought provoking but also simply fun to experience and never far from an inside joke he seems to be sharing with everyone,” said Clover Press Publisher Hank Kanalz. “Some of his pieces are amusingly tongue-in-cheek, others are beautifully surrealistic and evocative of the interconnectedness of life on Earth. SPAWN TILL YOU DIE: THE FIN ART OF RAY TROLL is the perfect addition to Clover’s growing line of hardcover art books.”
“It's a pure pleasure to be working with Ray on this art book, expanding his amazing art journey. As a fisherman, I am hooked on his art exploring the creatures of the ocean waters,” said editor and designer Robbie Robbins. “As a comic fan, I am drawn to his Robert Crumb artistic style, and as an art lover, I'm in awe of his attention to scientific detail in his subjects.”
Take an exuberant plunge into the fantastic realities of sea creatures and prehistoric animals that come alive with scientific realism and a quirky sense of humor with SPAWN TILL YOU DIE: THE FIN ART OF RAY TROLL, live now on Kickstarter.
For updates, follow Clover Press on Instagram, Twitter and Face
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