La exitosa serie de novelas gráficas de YouNeek Studios y Dark Horse Comics, inspiración para la nueva serie animada de Cartoon Network/Max, está lista para deslumbrar a fans y recién llegados en una fantástica edición de tapa dura de gran tamaño que incluye los volúmenes 1 y 2. Iyanu: Child of Wonder, Edición de Biblioteca, Volumen 1, está escrita por su creadora Roye Okupe, ganadora del Premio Glyph Comics 2020 a Mejor Personaje Femenino, seleccionada como Gran Novela Gráfica Infantil de YALSA 2021 y ganadora del Premio Nommo 2022 a Mejor Novela Gráfica. Arte y portadas del primer volumen por Godwin Akpan, arte del segundo por Chima Kalu y letras por Spoof Animation.
En Iyanu: Child of Wonder:
Iyanu, una huérfana adolescente sin recuerdos de su pasado, descubre repentinamente que posee habilidades que rivalizan con las antiguas deidades del folclore de su pueblo. Estas habilidades son la clave para revivir una "era de maravillas", mientras Iyanu emprende su viaje para salvar un mundo al borde de la destrucción. Los Corruptos —fauna maldita y extrañas bestias divinas— están decididos a destruir a la humanidad a menos que Iyanu pueda detenerlos. Una aventura fantástica atemporal inspirada en la cultura y los mitos yoruba, ¡de la mano de los mejores talentos del cómic nigeriano!
Conecta con Iyanu y aventúrate a través de un mundo de folclore y fantasía con Iyanu: Child of Wonder, Edición de Biblioteca, Volumen 1, que llega en una magnífica edición de tapa dura (256 páginas, 8x12.1875") a librerías y tiendas de cómics el 19 y 20 de agosto de 2025 por $49.99. Reserva ya en TFAW, Amazon, Barnes and Noble o en tu librería local, o visita el Localizador de Tiendas de Cómics y para más información y tiendas cercanas.
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DARK HORSE COMICS AND YOUNEEK STUDIOS PRESENT “IYANU CHILD OF WONDER” IN STUNNING LIBRARY EDITION | | Read the fantastic adventure that spurred a Cartoon Network/Max animated series now in one beautiful collection! | MILWAUKIE, Ore., (March 21, 2025)— The hit graphic novel series from YouNeek Studios and Dark Horse Comics, the inspiration for the new Cartoon Network/Max animated series, is ready to dazzle fans and newcomers in a fantastic new oversized hardcover edition collecting Volumes 1 and 2. Iyanu: Child of Wonder Library Edition Volume 1 is written by creator Roye Okupe, 2020 Glyph Comics Awards winner, for Best Female Character, YALSA 2021 Great Graphic Novel for Kids selection, and 2022 Nommo Award Winner for Best Graphic Novel! Volume one art and covers by Godwin Akpan, volume 2 art by Chima Kalu, and letters by Spoof Animation.
In Iyanu: Child of Wonder:
Iyanu, a teenage orphan with no recollection of her past, suddenly discovers that she has abilities that rival the ancient deities told of in the folklore of her people. These abilities are the key to bringing back an “age of wonders,” as Iyanu begins her journey to save a world on the brink of destruction. The Corrupt—cursed wildlife and strange, divine beasts—are determined to destroy humanity unless Iyanu can stop them. A timeless fantasy quest inspired by Yoruba culture and myths—from the best Nigerian comics talent!
Connect with Iyanu and adventure through a world of folklore and fantasy as Iyanu: Child of Wonder Library Edition Volume 1 arrives in a gorgeous hardcover (256 pages, 8x12.1875") edition in bookstores and comic shops on August 19 and 20, 2025, for $49.99. Pre-order now from TFAW, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your local bookstore, or visit Comic Shop Locator and for more details and stores near you.
Praise for Iyanu Child of Wonder:
“Brilliant use of color aside, it was always very clear who was talking or acting at any given time: the art actually did a lot of heavy lifting for the story! Mr. Akpan is a fearsome talent, and having a whole book of his art to look at is a sheer delight.”—The Frumious Consortium
“This is a solid adventure story with a fairly interesting main character and conflict. The foundations of this world that are set in this volume really make me want to keep exploring and learning more. The author inserted informational pages at the beginning of each chapter, and these really help explain some of the things that are important in the main action of the storyline.”—Graphic Library
“I'm rooting for the story of Iyanu. I want this to be a hit graphic novel.”—The Litt Librarian |
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