TOP COW está nuevamente en busca de nuevos talentos. TOP COW'S TALENT SEARCH ha descubierto algunos de los mejores talentos del cómic de la actualidad, como Tini Howard (MAGDALENA, HACK / SLASH: RESURRECTION), Issac Goodhart (POSTAL, MOON: A CATWOMAN TALE) y Stephanie Phillips (HARLEY QUINN) .
Marc Silvestri, coguionista de CYBERFORCE, cofundador de IMAGE COMICS y fundador de TOP COW, y presidente / director de operaciones Matt Hawkins está buscando participantes que puedan capturar a este grupo de luchadores de resistencia mejorados cibernéticamente que huyen del conglomerado multinacional monolítico CYBERDATA que los creó en esta búsqueda de talentos.
Los Angeles, CA - December 9, 2022 - TOP COW is in search of new talent again. TOP COW'S TALENT SEARCH has discovered some of today's top comic book talent such as Tini Howard (MAGDALENA, HACK/SLASH: RESURRECTION) Issac Goodhart (POSTAL,MOON: A CATWOMAN TALE), and Stephanie Phillips (A MAN AMONG YE, HARLEY QUINN).
As the publisher celebrates its 30th Anniversary with CYBERFORCE COMPLETE VOLUME 1 HARDCOVER KICKSTARTER, an action-packed 664 page hardcover collection of the original 90s stories that launched the TOP COW Universe, it hopse to launch a few comic book creators' careers!
Marc Silvestri, CYBERFORCE co-writer, IMAGE COMICS co-founder, and TOP COW founder, and President/COO Matt Hawkins is searching for entrants who can capture this group of cybernetically enhanced resistance fighters on the run from the monolithic multi-national conglomerate CYBERDATA that created them in this talent search.
Are you a budding writer or artist interested in capturing these big action, larger-than-life characters as they return in this gorgeously rendered and assembled first volume of CYBERFORCE?
This is a great opportunity for creators to break into the comic industry.
For full information, click on the resources below! TOP COW'S TALENT SEARCH ends on November 30th, 2022.
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