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Portada arte de Duncan Fegredo |
En esta serie completamente nueva, Hellboy es secuestrado y conectado a un enorme mecha-Hellboy para una misión en una isla lejana y misteriosa, pero la isla podría presentar su propia pelea.
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Portada arte de Mike Mignola |
Mike Mignola comentó: “Giant Robot Hellboy es mi guiño muy obvio a todas esas películas japonesas de monstruos gigantes, que en realidad no me gustan especialmente. Lo que SÍ me encanta es escuchar a Geof Darrow y Art Adams HABLAR sobre esas películas, así que, en realidad, creo que esta serie se inspiró en esos tipos. Tuve la idea de este hace mucho tiempo, pero pensé que era demasiado tonto para hacerlo, luego llegó la pandemia y comencé a hacer todos esos bocetos que publicaría en línea. Nunca había pensado seriamente en cómo se vería un Hellboy robot gigante, pero eliminé algunos bocetos y me gustaron, y así comenzó a parecer algo que realmente se podía hacer. Pero sabía que no era el artista adecuado y sabía que tanto Arthur como Geof estaban ocupados con otras cosas, así que el único otro artista en el que pensé fue en Duncan. No tenía idea de cómo respondería Duncan. ¿Demasiado tonto? No lo sabía, pero pensé que se lo diría y si decía que no, eso sería el final. El resto es historia."
“Hellboy se despierta con una experiencia extracorpórea y, al mismo tiempo, tiene que lidiar con las consecuencias habituales de los científicos locos que hacen lo suyo mientras aprenden a caminar de nuevo”, dijo Fegredo. “Ahora que lo pienso, eso describe bastante bien mi regreso a la colaboración con Mike Mignola… si disfrutaste mis incursiones anteriores en la narración a gran escala, ¡ups, lo hice de nuevo!”.
“Fue emocionante volver a trabajar con Duncan”, dijo Mignola. “El hombre puede dibujar cualquier cosa que sea muy bonita para un escritor. Lo especial de Duncan es que no importa lo que le pidas que dibuje, no importa lo difícil o complicado que sea, él lo hará MÁS complicado (y, por supuesto, más difícil) . Todo termina siendo mucho más de lo que pediste y Duncan se maldecirá a SÍ MISMO sin cesar por exagerar las cosas, y todos nos sentaremos (eventualmente) y nos maravillaremos con esta cosa increíble que ha creado”.
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Legendary Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and Superstar Artist Duncan Fegredo Re-Unite for GIANT ROBOT HELLBOY Mecha-Hellboy Meets Mega-Monsters In A Thrilling Three-Issue Miniseries From Dark Horse Comics
Featuring Variant Covers by Mignola, Geof Darrow, and Arthur Adams | |
MILWAUKIE, Ore., (July 20, 2023)—Legendary Hellboy creator Mike Mignola and superstar artist Duncan Fegredo have collaborated on some of the most iconic Hellboy Universe stories of all time, including Hellboy: Darkness Calls, Hellboy: The Wild Hunt, and Hellboy: The Storm and The Fury. Now the acclaimed duo, along with Eisner Award-winning colorist Dave Stewart and longtime Hellboy Universe letterer Clem Robins, are reuniting for a thrilling, three-part miniseries: Giant Robot Hellboy. Inspired by Mignola’s viral-hit pencil drawings from Mike Mignola: The Quarantine Sketchbook, Giant Robot Hellboy features a Mecha-Hellboy and Mega-Monsters. The first issue drops from Dark Horse Comics in October, just in time for Halloween, featuring a variant cover by Mignola and Stewart. Issue 2 will feature a variant cover by award-winning Shaolin Cowboy cartoonist Geof Darrow and Dave Stewart and issue 3 will feature a variant cover by Art Adams.
In this all-new series, Hellboy is kidnapped and hooked up to a massive mecha-Hellboy for a mission on a mysterious, faraway island, but the island might just put up a fight of its own.
Mike Mignola commented, “Giant Robot Hellboy is my very obvious nod to all those Japanese giant monster movies—which I actually have no particular love for. What I DO love is listening to Geof Darrow and Art Adams TALK about those movies—so really, I guess this series was inspired by those guys. I had the idea for this one a long time ago but figured it was too silly to actually do—then the pandemic came along and I started to do all those sketches I would post online. I had never given a serious thought to what a giant robot Hellboy would look like but I knocked out a few sketches and I liked them—and so the thing started to seem like something that could actually be done. But I knew I wasn’t the artist for it and I knew both Arthur and Geof were busy with other things, so the only other artist I thought of was Duncan. I had no idea how Duncan would respond. Too silly? I didn’t know, but I figured I’d pitch it to him and if he said no that would be an end to it. The rest is history.”
“Hellboy awakes to an out-of-body experience and simultaneously has to deal with the usual fallout from mad scientists doing their thing whilst learning to walk again,” said Fegredo. “Come to think of it, that pretty much describes my return to collaborating with Mike Mignola… if you enjoyed my previous forays into grand scale storytelling, whoops, I did it again!”
“It was a thrill to be working with Duncan again,” said Mignola. “The man can draw anything which is very nice for a writer. What is special about Duncan is no matter what you ask him to draw, no matter how difficult or complicated—he will make it MORE complicated (and, of course, more difficult) . Everything ends up being so much more than you asked for and Duncan will endlessly curse HIMSELF for overdoing things—and we will all sit back (eventually) and marvel at this amazing thing he has created.”
The debut issue of Giant Robot Hellboy is on sale on October 25, 2023. For more information, follow Dark Horse Comics on social media for more news, announcements, and updates.
For more information, follow @DarkHorseComics as @Darkhorsecomics on social media for more news, announcements, and updates! | |
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