El 20 de marzo de 2024, Dawnrunner #1 llega a dondequiera que se vendan cómics. Esta serie de cómics presenta a la humanidad inmersa en una lucha continua contra una invasión de monstruos gigantes llamados Tetza. La civilización humana ha combinado sus recursos y esfuerzos para construir los Reyes de Hierro, imponentes robots construidos para luchar cara a cara contra sus enemigos en un combate épico de gladiadores.
Escrita por el prolífico autor Ram V, nominado al Eisner, con arte del veterano artista de televisión, cine y juegos Evan Cagle, la serie presenta la portada principal de Cagle (cover A) y portadas alternas de Matias Bergara, (cover B) Dike Raun, (cover C) y en blanco y negro de Cagle (cover D) y Tulay Lotay (cover F). Todas estas portadas estarán ampliamente disponibles dondequiera que se vendan cómics; visite comicshoplocator.com para encontrar más opciones cerca de usted y recuerde realizar un pedido por adelantado y suscribirse en su tienda local para asegurarse de obtener cada número de la serie.

¡Y ahora, los fanáticos pueden elegir entre una variedad de portadas variantes exclusivas de una gran cantidad de talentos artísticos de primer nivel! Cada una de estas variantes está disponible únicamente a través de los minoristas enumerados. A continuación, encontrará detalles sobre cada variante, incluido dónde conseguir cada una. Comuníquese con los minoristas respectivos para realizar pedidos por adelantado y para obtener más detalles sobre sus cómics exclusivos.
Portadas Variantes exclusivas del número 1 de Dawnrunner
Big Time Collectibles Variant
Cover Artist: John Giang
Store Name: Big Time Collectibles
Store Locations: 2100 N State Hwy 360, Suite 1701-1704 Grand Prairie, TX 75050 USA
Website >> |
ECGCE & Scott's Collectibles' LEGENDS tier Variant
This variant is available to Legends monthly subscription tier.
Cover Artist: Waveloop
Website >> |
ECGCE & Scott's Collectibles' LEGENDS tier Variant
This variant is available to Legends monthly subscription tier.
Cover Artist: Waveloop
Website >> |
ECGCE & Scott's Collectibles' LEGENDS tier Variant
This variant is available to Legends monthly subscription tier. Cover Artist: Ingrid Gala
Website >>
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DAWNRUNNER GEARS UP WITH RETAILER EXCLUSIVE VARIANTS | | Full powered, massive mechs! Dark Horse Comics join forces with Ram V and Evan Cagle to offer Dawnrunner--Now with a variety of exclusive variants to collect! | MILWAUKIE, Ore., (January 18, 2024)— On March 20, 2024, Dawnrunner #1 arrives wherever comics are sold. This comic series features the mankind entrenched in an ongoing struggle against an invasion of giant monsters called Tetza. Human civilization has combined their resources and efforts to construct the Iron Kings —imposing mechs built to fight their enemy toe-to-toe in epic gladiatorial combat.
Written by prolific, Eisner-nominated author Ram V, with art from television, film and gaming veteran artist Evan Cagle, the series features main cover art by Cagle (cover A) with variants from Matias Bergara, (cover B) Dike Raun, (cover C) and incentive variants from Cagle (cover D) and Tulay Lotay (cover F). All of these covers will be widely available wherever comics are sold—visit comicshoplocator.com to find more options near you, and remember to pre-order and subscribe at your local shop to make sure you get each issue in the series.
And now, fans can choose from a variety of exclusive variant covers by a host of top artistic talent! Each of these variants is available only through the retailers listed. Below, find details on each variant, including where to get each one. Please contact the respective retailers to pre-order and for more details about their exclusive comics. | Dawnrunner Issue #1 Exclusive Variants | |
Big Time Collectibles Variant
Cover Artist: John Giang
Store Name: Big Time Collectibles
Store Locations: 2100 N State Hwy 360, Suite 1701-1704 Grand Prairie, TX 75050 USA
Website >> |
ECGCE & Scott's Collectibles' LEGENDS tier Variant
This variant is available to Legends monthly subscription tier.
Cover Artist: Waveloop
Website >> |
ECGCE & Scott's Collectibles' LEGENDS tier Variant
This variant is available to Legends monthly subscription tier.
Cover Artist: Waveloop
Website >> |
ECGCE & Scott's Collectibles' LEGENDS tier Variant
This variant is available to Legends monthly subscription tier. Cover Artist: Ingrid Gala
Website >>
Be sure to follow @DarkHorseComics on social media for more news, announcements, and updates.
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