Después de Grendel: Devil's Odyssey, el último arco argumental de la saga épica de Grendel, llega una historia completamente nueva de Grendel en Grendel: Devil's Crucible—Defiance, la primera de tres series en la nueva historia de Grendel: Devil's Crucible. Esta serie está escrita e ilustrada por el visionario creador Matt Wagner, coloreada por Brennan Wagner y escrita por Steve Dutro y Rob Leigh. El primer número presenta una portada principal de Matt Wagner y Brennan Wagner juntos, y una portada variante de Brennan Wagner, en solitario.
Comienza un nuevo arco argumental: Grendel Prime ha regresado a la Tierra, pero las cosas no son como las dejó. Los grupos de humanidad que quedan y los "Necro Lords" que los gobiernan se han vuelto contra los Grendel. Grendel Prime tendrá que ocultar su identidad mientras explora su planeta natal, repentinamente hostil.
“Devil's Odyssey fue una ruptura dramática en el escenario futurista de Grendel. Y Devil's Crucible va un paso más allá al darle la vuelta a los preceptos y el entorno de ese mundo", dice el creador de Grendel, Matt Wagner. “Atrás quedaron los clanes Grendel dominantes y su elitismo militar y, sin embargo, esa estructura de poder fascista ha sido reemplazada… ¡por algo mucho peor! Tengo algunas sorpresas importantes preparadas para esta historia y una palabra de advertencia para los lectores veteranos; ¡tener cuidado con lo que deseas!"
Grendel: Devil's Crucible—Defiance #1 (de 4) llegará a las tiendas de cómics el 3 de julio de 2024. Ya está disponible para pedidos anticipados en tu tienda de cómics local por $4,99. 
GRENDEL PRIME RETURNS TO EARTH IN “GRENDEL: DEVIL’S CRUCIBLE—DEFIANCE” | | A new Grendel story from visionary creator Matt Wagner! | MILWAUKIE, Ore., (March 21, 2024)— Following Grendel: Devil’s Odyssey, the latest story arc in the epic saga of Grendel, comes an all-new Grendel tale in Grendel: Devil’s Crucible—Defiance, the first of three series in the all-new Grendel: Devil’s Crucible storyline. This series is written and illustrated by visionary creator Matt Wagner, colored by Brennan Wagner, and lettered by Steve Dutro and Rob Leigh. The first issue features a main cover by Matt Wagner and Brennan Wagner together, and a variant cover by Brennan Wagner, solo. A new story arc begins: Grendel Prime has returned to Earth, but things are not as he left them. The pockets of humanity that remain and the “Necro Lords” that rule them have turned against the Grendels. Grendel Prime will need to hide his identity as he explores his suddenly hostile home planet. “Devil’s Odyssey was a dramatic break in the futuristic setting of Grendel. And Devil’s Crucible goes one step further by turning the precepts and setting of that world on its collective ear,” says Grendel creator, Matt Wagner. “Gone are the dominant Grendel clans and their military elitism, and yet that fascistic power structure has been replaced…by something far worse! I’ve got some major surprises on deck for this storyline and a word of warning for longtime readers; be careful what you wish for!” Grendel: Devil’s Crucible—Defiance #1 (of 4) will arrive in comic shops on July 3, 2024. It is available for pre-order now at your local comic shop for $4.99. Be sure to follow Dark Horse Comics on social media and check our website,, for more news, announcements, and updates! Praise for Grendel: “Grendel: Devil’s Odyssey #1 delights with skillful work from two Wagners and all of the chilling gravitas that made the franchise great.”—Multiversity Comics “Matt Wagner's designs resonate with the ephemeral aura of cool as well as when they first appeared.”— “Grendel: Devil's Odyssey takes to the stars and shouldn't be missed by any fan of Matt Wagner or the sci-fi fan wanting something new.”—The Brazen Bull |
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