Dark Horse Comics está lleno de noticias emocionantes: ¡el mundo de Minor Threats continúa expandiéndose con una nueva serie derivada, Barfly! La leyenda del cómic Kyle Starks (Donde mienten los monstruos) se une a Patton Oswalt y Jordan Blum en la escritura de una serie para sentirse bien sobre la mayoría de edad sobre un hombre-monstruo insecto que busca su identidad en el inframundo criminal de Twilight City.
Ryan Browne, cocreador de la serie aclamada por la crítica Eight Billion Genies, proporcionará arte para Barfly, con rotulación a cargo de Nate Piekos (Minor Threats). El primer número también contará con una portada principal del cocreador de Minor Threats, Scott Hepburn, con tres portadas variantes con arte de Browne, Martín Morazzo, Dan Hipp (proporción 1:10) y una más que se revelará en una fecha posterior. . La serie comenzará este julio.
De vuelta en Ciudad Crepúsculo...
El bar Lower Lair es el hogar de todo tipo de supervillanos, maleantes y cabrones... pero solo uno de ellos tiene que vomitar fluidos digestivos sobre la comida para comer. $#!%eater, la mosca humanoide mutante, es un perdedor: un siervo de toda la vida que vive para servir a su maestro criminal. Pero, ¿qué le sucede a un secuaz cuando ya no le queda nadie a quien apoyar?
Esto es lo que el equipo creativo dijo sobre Barfly:
Patton Oswalt: “¡Es un híbrido punk rock humano/mosca que vomita y comete crímenes! ¿Qué NO estamos haciendo?”
Jordan Blum: “¡Somos Kyle @#$!'ing Starks y Ryan @#$!'ing Browne haciendo un cómic sobre $#!%eater! ¡¿Qué más hay que decir?! ¡Esa es la cita! ¡Compre cien copias de @#$! y conviértase en millonario al instante! ¡Es fácil!"
Kyle Stark: “Estoy muy emocionado de que me inviten a agregar al tapiz el maravilloso y superpoderoso mundo de Amenazas Menores que Jordan Blum y Patton Oswalt han traído a los cómics. Poder hacerlo con el increíble e inigualable Ryan Browne es una increíble guinda a un ya delicioso y fantástico helado cómico. Realmente creo que la gente se va a enamorar del adorable perdedor Sh*teater, ¡un pequeño y dulce muchacho que simplemente está tratando de encontrar su lugar en el mundo después de años de ser un siervo sin nombre!
Ryan Browne: "Me emborraché y destruí las begonias ganadoras del premio de Kyle Starks con un cortasetos. Lo menos que pude hacer fue dibujarle repetidamente un hombre mosca triste como disculpa".
From the World of Minor Threats: Barfly #1 (de 4) llega a las tiendas de cómics el 10 de julio de 2024. Ahora está disponible para reservar en tu tienda de cómics local por $4,99.
I SAY BZZ BZZ BZZ: “BARFLY” RIDES INTO TWILIGHT CITY WITH KYLE STARKS AND RYAN BROWNE | | A direct tie-in to the hit "Minor Threats" series by Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum, and crew! | MILWAUKIE, Ore., (March 21, 2024)— Dark Horse Comics is buzzing with some exciting news: the world of Minor Threats continues expanding with a new spinoff series, Barfly! Comic book legend Kyle Starks (Where Monsters Lie) joins Patton Oswalt and Jordan Blum on writing duties on a feel-good, coming-of-age series about an insect monster-man searching for his identity in the criminal underworld of Twilight City. Ryan Browne, co-creator of the critically-acclaimed series Eight Billion Genies, will provide artwork for Barfly, with letters handled by Nate Piekos (Minor Threats). The first issue will also feature a main cover art by Minor Threats co-creator Scott Hepburn, with three variant covers featuring art by Browne, Martín Morazzo, Dan Hipp (1:10 ratio), and one more to be revealed at a later date. The series is set to begin this July. Back in Twilight City… The Lower Lair bar is home to all sorts of supervillains, lowlifes, and scumbags... but only one of them has to puke digestive fluids onto his food to eat. $#!%eater, the humanoid mutant fly, is a loser–a lifelong minion who lives to serve his criminal master. But what happens to a henchman when he no longer has anyone left to hench for? Here’s what the creative team had to say about Barfly: Patton Oswalt: “It’s a punk rock human/fly hybrid that pukes and does crime! What are we NOT doing?” Jordan Blum: “It's Kyle @#$!'ing Starks and Ryan @#$!'ing Browne making a comic about $#!%eater! What else is there to say?! That's the quote! Buy a hundred @#$!'ing copies and become an instant millionaire! It's that easy!” Kyle Stark: “I'm so excited to be invited to add to the tapestry that is the wonderful, superpowered world of Minor Threats that Jordan Blum and Patton Oswalt have brought to comics. To get to do it with incredible, unequaled Ryan Browne is an unbelievable cherry on top of an already delicious great comic ice cream sundae. I truly think people are going to fall in love with the lovable loser Sh*teater - a sweet little fella who's just trying to find his place in the world after years of being a nameless minion!” Ryan Browne: "I got drunk and destroyed Kyle Starks prize winning begonias with a hedge trimmer. The least I could do was repeatedly draw a sad fly man for him as an apology.” From the World of Minor Threats: Barfly #1 (of 4) flies into comic shops on July 10, 2024. It is now available to pre-order from your local comic shop for $4.99. Be sure to follow Dark Horse Comics on social media and check our website, www.darkhorse.com, for more news, announcements, and updates! Praise for From the World of Minor Threats: The Alternates: “Impeccable, vibrant, smart—bursting with ideas and wonderful art, you will fall straight into this world and never come back.”—Guillermo Del Toro “Leave it to the minds behind Minor Threats to crack the Super Hero Support Group content just right. This story is so original and entertaining. Enjoy the ride.”—Seth Green “Minor Threats reminds me that comics can have the depth and power while also being fun and entertaining. Incredible inspiring.”—Bill Hader "The Alternates is the rare comic spinoff that not only continues the magic of its flagship series, but manages to work as something unique and accessible. Unsurprisingly, Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum, and Tim Seeley all nail the script, hooking you into the characters and the narrative immediately. Coupled with Christopher Mitten and Tess Fowler's ambitious and scrappy art, this issue is great, plain and simple."—Comicbook.com
"From stunning artwork to intriguing world-building, The Alternates #1 is a comic book worth reading. It’s a fresh take on the superhero genre that will have readers coming back for more."–Capes & Tights
"If you enjoyed Minor Threats, The Alternates is a worthy sequel that expands the same universe. And if you haven’t enjoyed Minor Threats (which just came out in TP), it will still appeal to anyone who enjoys tales of weird heroes in a world they never made! The artwork equals the story, evoking the spirit of 1990s Vertigo in every panel.”—Kabooooom! |
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