viernes, 9 de agosto de 2024


Dark Horse Comics presenta The Complete Elfquest Volume Eight: FutureQuest, el volumen final de la serie ómnibus The Complete ElfQuest, que llegará en enero de 2025. Con más de 700 páginas, este hermoso volumen de tapa blanda recopila los arcos argumentales Stargazer's Hunt y FutureQuest de ElfQuest, con arte completamente nuevo y comentarios de los cocreadores Wendy y Richard Pini.

A los Pinis se suman los escritores John Ostrander (Star Wars: Legacy), Ben Harkins (ElfQuest: The Rebels) y los artistas David Boller (Spider-man 2099), Dennis Fujitake (Dalgoda), Delfin Barral (Stargate), Sonny Strait (ElfQuest: Stargazer’s Hunt), Terry Beatty (Batman: Gotham Adventures), Craig Taillefer (Books of Magic), Charles Barnett III (Deathstroke the Terminator), Paul Abrams (Badger), Kathryn Bolinger (Rai), Jerry Braccia (ElfQuest: JiNK) y Jen Marrus (X-O Manowar), con los rotuladores Chuck Maly (ElfQuest: The Rebels) y Nate Piekos (Stranger Things: The Voyage).

Acerca de The Complete ElfQuest Volume Eight: FutureQuest:
La búsqueda de Cutter ha terminado, pero ahora el astrónomo Skywise y su hija Jink emprenden misiones separadas para recuperar algo preciado que se ha perdido o robado. Sus viajes abarcan tanto el espacio como el tiempo, conectando el pasado y el futuro del Mundo de las Dos Lunas, ahora conocido como Abode.

Mientras tanto, los habitantes humanos del planeta han entrado en su propia era tecnológica y han tenido que enfrentarse a la verdad: nunca estuvieron solos en su mundo. Un misterio desconcertante sigue sin resolverse: ¿por qué desaparecieron los elfos de Abode y adónde fueron? Jink hace de la respuesta su búsqueda personal, incluso mientras se cruza con un grupo ruidoso de inadaptados espaciales, Los Rebeldes, en su propia búsqueda de respuestas.

"Estos personajes e historias se han estado gestando durante mucho tiempo", confiesan Richard y Wendy Pini. "Y estamos encantados de que finalmente reciban el tratamiento de primera categoría de Dark Horse. El número ocho siempre ha sido especial para ElfQuest (los elfos cuentan con ocho dedos) y este volumen completa una octava muy especial para nosotros. Ahora los lectores pueden seguir las aventuras de los elfos desde el pasado lejano hasta el futuro no tan lejano.

Continuando con el legado de más de 45 años de ElfQuest, The Complete ElfQuest Volume Eight: FutureQuest, estará disponible en librerías el 14 de enero de 2025 y en tiendas de cómics el 15 de enero de 2025 por $29,99. Realice su pedido anticipado ahora en TFAW, Amazon, Barnes and Noble o en su librería local, o visite PRH Comics o Comic Shop Locator para obtener más detalles y tiendas cercanas.

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Join the shape-shifting Jink and the rambunctious Rebels as their search leads them across Abode and into the beyond!

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (August 9, 2024)— Dark Horse Comics presents The Complete Elfquest Volume Eight: FutureQuest the final volume in The Complete ElfQuest omnibus series, arriving in January 2025. At over 700 pages, this beautiful softcover volume collects ElfQuest’s Stargazer’s Hunt and FutureQuest story arcs, with brand new art and commentary by co-creators Wendy and Richard Pini.

The Pinis are joined by writers John Ostrander (Star Wars: Legacy), Ben Harkins (ElfQuest: The Rebels), and artists David Boller (Spider-man 2099), Dennis Fujitake (Dalgoda), Delfin Barral (Stargate), Sonny Strait (ElfQuest: Stargazer’s Hunt), Terry Beatty (Batman: Gotham Adventures), Craig Taillefer (Books of Magic), Charles Barnett III (Deathstroke the Terminator), Paul Abrams (Badger), Kathryn Bolinger (Rai), Jerry Braccia (ElfQuest: JiNK), and Jen Marrus (X-O Manowar), with letterers Chuck Maly (ElfQuest: The Rebels) and Nate Piekos (Stranger Things: The Voyage).

About The Complete ElfQuest Volume Eight: FutureQuest:

Cutter’s quest is complete, but now stargazer Skywise and his daughter Jink set out on separate quests of their own to recover something precious that has been lost—or stolen. Their journeys span both space and time, bridging the past and the future of the World of Two Moons, now known as Abode.

Meanwhile the planet’s human inhabitants have entered their own technological age and have come to face the truth: they were never alone on their world. One perplexing mystery remains unsolved—why did the elves of Abode disappear, and where did they go? Jink makes the answer her personal quest, even as she crosses paths with a rowdy group of space-faring misfits, The Rebels, on their own search for answers.

“These characters and stories have been a long time brewing,” confides Richard and Wendy Pini. “And we’re thrilled for them finally to get the top-notch Dark Horse treatment. The number eight has always been special to ElfQuest (the elves count on eight fingers) and this volume completes a very special octad for us. Now readers can follow the elves’ adventures from the distant past right on through the not-so-distant future.

Continuing the 45+ year legacy of ElfQuest, The Complete ElfQuest Volume Eight: FutureQuest, will be available in bookstores on January 14, 2025 and in comic shops on January 15, 2025 for $29.99. Pre-order now from TFAWAmazonBarnes and Noble or your local bookstore, or visit PRH Comics or Comic Shop Locator for more details and stores near you.

Be sure to follow DarkHorseComics on social media and check our website, for more news, announcements, and updates.

Praise for ElfQuest:

ElfQuest is one of comics' earliest self-publishing success stories ... one of the most beautifully crafted, well thought out comic book fantasy epics of all-time. The story is sweeping in scope, combining many eras and events in the world of Two Moons. (It is) the most daring fantasy epic being published ... with relatable but fantastic characters guiding readers through a complex world. The Pinis' art and prose are sublime and beautiful to behold, showing that comics can be a place where fantasy can be taken to the next level of artistry.” — Comic Book Resources

Be sure to follow DarkHorseComics on social media and check our website, for more news, announcements, and updates.


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