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Dejah Thoris es la princesa de la ciudad estado marciana / imperio de Helium en la serie de novelas marcianas de Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan), mientras Vampirella (principal exponente del cómic de terror y erótico) fue creada por Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin con el artista Frank Frazetta, ella proviene del planeta extraterrestre Drakulon, donde los Vampiri viven de beber sangre de los ríos.
Esta entrega es la penúltima entrega de este arco argumental.
¿De qué viene?
En Dejah Thoris / Vampirella #3 Vampirella y Dejah Thoris tienen un encuentro con con Issus, la poderosa sacerdotisa que le prometió a Vampirella la tecnología de transformar el agua en sangre, solo que a cambio pide la vida eterna y le permitirá a todos los Vampiri de Drakulon llegar a donde están y matar a su tribu enemiga los Plant men, es decir, dejará que hagan un genocidio con tal de tener vida eterna.
¿Qué sucede?
Vampirella y Dejah Thoris siguen la negociación con Issus sin embargo Issus tiene una agenda secreta, los resultados de esta negociación son inesperados.
Por otro lado empieza a llegar a Helium los primeros Vampiri y el ejército del jefe Jeddack los empieza a contrarestar, sin embargo el poder que tiene los seres de Drakulon es inmenso, entre mas lleguen se les hará más difícil detenerlos.
Las secuencia de pelea de esta entrega son intensas y sangrientas.
Giro de la trama:
Es magnífico como en dos oportunidades cambia el hilo de la historia.
Es magnífico como en dos oportunidades cambia el hilo de la historia.
Arte y Trama:
El arte de esta entrega sigue mejorando, de una gran calidad y acabado, la trama se enreda de manera interesante.
Este capítulo nos prepara para lo que será una batalla final que puede o no ocasionar un genocidio por ambas partes.
4.8 de 5
Escritores: Erik Burnham
Ilustrador: Ediano Silva
Colorista: Dinei Ribeiro
Fecha de lanzamiento: 9 de enero 2019
Publicado por: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
Two heroines whose will and strength only compare with their sensuality must unite to save Helium.
Dejah Thoris is the princess of the martian city-state / empire of Helium in the series of Martian novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan), while Vampirella (main exponent of the horror and erotic comic) was created by Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin with the artist Frank Frazetta, she comes from the extraterrestrial planet Drakulon, where the Vampiri, human race of vampires drank blood from the rivers until their resources ran out.
This installment is the penultimate installment of this story arc.
Where does it come from?
In Dejah Thoris / Vampirella #3 Vampirella and Dejah Thoris have an encounter with Issus, the powerful priestess who promised Vampirella the technology to transform water into blood, only that in return she asks for eternal life and will allow all the Vampiri of Drakulon get to where they are and kill their enemy tribe the Plant Men, that is, she will let them make a genocide in order to have eternal life.
What's going on?
Where does it come from?
In Dejah Thoris / Vampirella #3 Vampirella and Dejah Thoris have an encounter with Issus, the powerful priestess who promised Vampirella the technology to transform water into blood, only that in return she asks for eternal life and will allow all the Vampiri of Drakulon get to where they are and kill their enemy tribe the Plant Men, that is, she will let them make a genocide in order to have eternal life.
What's going on?
Vampirella and Dejah Thoris continue the negotiation with Issus however she has a secret agenda, the results of this negotiation are unexpected.
On the other hand begins to reach Helium the first Vampiri and the army of Chief Jeddack begins to counteract, however the power of the beings of Drakulon is immense, the more they arrive it will be more difficult to stop them.
The fight sequences of this installment are intense and bloody.
On the other hand begins to reach Helium the first Vampiri and the army of Chief Jeddack begins to counteract, however the power of the beings of Drakulon is immense, the more they arrive it will be more difficult to stop them.
The fight sequences of this installment are intense and bloody.
Plot's Twists:
It's magnificent how the thread of the story changes twice.
Art and Plot:
The art of this issue continues to improve, of great quality and finish, the plot is entangled in an interesting way.
This chapter prepares us for what will be a final battle that may or may not cause genocide on both sides.
4.8 out of 5
Writers: Erik Burnham
Illustrator: Ediano Silva
Colorist: Dinei Ribeiro
Release date: January 9 2019
Published by: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
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