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Arte de Joe Michael Linsner |
Dynamite Comics reúne a la pareja de esposos Kristina Deak-Linsner y Joe Michael Linsner para crear una miniserie de 4 capítulos donde Vampirella regresa a sus orígenes, este proyecto forma parte de la celebración del 50 aniversario de este personaje en el 2019.
Vampirella (principal exponente del cómic de terror y erótico) fue creada por Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin con el artista Frank Frazetta, ella proviene del planeta extraterrestre Drakulon, donde los Vampiri viven de beber sangre de los ríos.
Este es un cómic para lectores adultos.
¿De qué viene?
En Vampirella Roses for The Dead #2 Vampirella y Evily siguen la pista del demonio Blake, que consiste en conseguir en dónde compra esas rosas que deja en las escenas del crimen.
¿Qué sucede?
Vampirella y Evily llegan a la floristería de Parish, vampiro amigo de Vampirella a quien le compran las rosas para dejar en las escenas del crimen.
Evily y Vampirella interrogan a Natalia, una de las secuaces del demonio Blake, quien no les revela nada, pero ella demuestra no ser una simple ayudante, es muy letal y se desarrolla una espectacular batalla, mientras Evily recibe información de la mente de Claire, una de las sobrevivientes del ataque de Blake.
La historia es más dinámica que las entregas anteriores, llena de acción y con varias revelaciones, este equipo creativo de marido y mujer están logrando una buena historia.
Este penúltimo capítulo nos muestra las habilidades de todos, Evily y Blake muestran sus poderes mientras Vampirella se prepara para el ataque final.
4.6 de 5
Dynamite Comics brings together the couple of husbands Kristina Deak-Linsner and Joe Michael Linsner to create a miniseries of 4 chapters where Vampirella returns to its origins, this project is part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of this character in 2019.
Vampirella (main exponent of the horror and erotic comics) was created by Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin with the artist Frank Frazetta, she comes from the extraterrestrial planet Drakulon, where the Vampiri live to drink blood from the rivers.
This is a comic book for adult readers.
Where does it come from?
In Vampirella Roses for The Dead #2 Vampirella and Evily follow the trail of the demon Blake, which is to get where he buys those roses he leaves at crime scenes.
What's going on?
Vampirella and Evily arrive at the florist in Parish, Vampirella's vampire friend who is bought roses to leave at crime scenes.
Evily and Vampirella interrogate Natalia, one of the henchmen of the demon Blake, who does not reveal anything to them, but she proves not to be a simple helper, it is very lethal and a spectacular battle takes place, while Evily receives information from Claire's mind, one of the survivors of Blake's attack.
The story is more dynamic than the previous installments, full of action and with several revelations, this creative team of husband and wife are achieving a good story.
Evily and Vampirella interrogate Natalia, one of the henchmen of the demon Blake, who does not reveal anything to them, but she proves not to be a simple helper, it is very lethal and a spectacular battle takes place, while Evily receives information from Claire's mind, one of the survivors of Blake's attack.
The story is more dynamic than the previous installments, full of action and with several revelations, this creative team of husband and wife are achieving a good story.
This penultimate chapter shows us the skills of all, Evily and Blake show their powers while Vampirella prepares for the final attack.
4.6 out of 5
Writer: Kristina Deak-Linsner
Illustrator: Joe Michael Linsner
Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz
Release date: january 30 2019
Published by: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
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