miércoles, 31 de julio de 2024



Sumérgete en los hermosos y emocionantes mares de las islas griegas en SUMMER SHADOWS. El aclamado equipo creativo detrás de Wiper regresa para traerte esta serie de terror oscuramente seductora, que llegará en la primavera de 2025 en un volumen completo de bolsillo. El libro recopila los números 1 a 4 de la serie de cómics Sombras de verano, escrita por John Harris Dunning (Tumult, Wiper, Salem Brownstone), ilustrada por Ricardo Cabral (Wiper), coloreada por Brad Simpson (The Butcher's Boy) y rotulada por Jim Campbell (Into the Unbeing).


De día, las islas griegas son todo arena, mar y diversión... ¡pero de noche, son el terreno de caza perfecto para los vampiros! Nick Landry está buscando a su ex, Anthony, en la isla virgen de Avraxos. Anthony era el amor de su vida y Nick no puede seguir adelante sin saber por qué se fue. Pero Anthony no es el único que desaparece en Avraxos. El oficial de la Guardia Costera Alekos Kourkoulos está tras la pista de otro joven que desapareció allí. Ambos hombres desaparecidos habían caído bajo el hechizo de los habitantes cadavéricamente glamorosos de un superyate negro azabache que estaba amarrado en alta mar antes de desaparecer. A medida que el misterio se profundiza, Nick y Alekos descubren que cuanto más brillante es el sol, más oscuras son las sombras...

El volumen de bolsillo Summer Shadows (136 páginas, 6,625 x 10,1875") estará disponible en las librerías el 15 de abril de 2025 y en las tiendas de cómics el 16 de abril de 2025. El libro ya está disponible para pedidos anticipados en Amazon, Barnes and Noble, TFAW y en cualquier lugar donde se vendan libros y cómics. Se venderá a 24,99 dólares.

Asegúrate de seguir a @DarkHorseComics en las redes sociales y el sitio web www.darkhorse.com y darkhorsedirect.com para obtener más noticias, anuncios y actualizaciones.




The Talented Mr. Ripley meets Dracula in this stylish neo-noir LGBTQIA+ vampire horror series

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (July 31, 2024)— Dive into the beautiful and thrilling seas off the Greece islands in Summer Shadows. The acclaimed creative team behind Wiper returns to bring you this darkly seductive horror series, arriving in Spring 2025 in one complete paperback volume. The book collects issues #1-4 of the Summer Shadows comic series, written by John Harris Dunning (Tumult, Wiper, Salem Brownstone), illustrated by Ricardo Cabral (Wiper), colored by Brad Simpson (The Butcher's Boy), and lettered by Jim Campbell (Into the Unbeing).

By day, the Greek islands are all sand, sea, and fun…but by night, they're the perfect hunting ground for vampires! Nick Landry is searching for his ex, Anthony, on the unspoiled island of Avraxos. Anthony was the love of his life, and Nick can't move on without knowing why he left. But Anthony isn't the only one to disappear on Avraxos. Coast Guard officer Alekos Kourkoulos is on the trail of another young man who disappeared there. Both missing men had fallen under the spell of the cadaverously glamorous inhabitants of a jet-black superyacht that was moored offshore before vanishing. As the mystery deepens, Nick and Alekos discover that the brighter the sunshine, the darker the shadows…

The Summer Shadows (136 pages, 6.625 x 10.1875") paperback volume will be available in bookstores on April 15, 2025, and in comic shops on April 16, 2025. The book is available for pre-order now at AmazonBarnes and NobleTFAW, and wherever books and comics are sold. It will retail for $24.99.

Be sure to follow DarkHorseComics on social media and check our website, www.darkhorse.com, for more news, announcements, and updates.

Praise for Summer Shadows:

“A sexy and fresh vampire thriller with a touch of Tynion to it. Characters who feel real and a mythology that feels rich and with some of my favourite art of the year.” – Christian Ward.

SUMMER SHADOWS isn't just deft and artful--it's haunting. It's a horror travelogue to one of the most gorgeous places in the world, where blood and grotesquery hide from the sun. And the best part? Dancing between the horror is a story about chasing a tragic, unforgettable fling--even to places no mortal should tread.” – Steve Orlando

Praise for Wiper:

"Wiper is a feast for your eyes and mind. Fast-moving gorgeous sci-fi noir with a killer twist. Like Phillip K Dick meets Aeon Flux."–Christian Ward

"Sci-Fi Noir done right with some of the best comic book artwork I've seen in a book this year. Dunning and Cabral have crafted a story you do not want to miss."–James Tynion IV

"Mind-blowing art by Ricardo Cabral and colour by Brad Simpson. It's an incredible piece of work!"–Aaron Campbell

"If you love sci-fi, I can't think of a single reason you won't love this book. Stunning work from all involved."–Darcy Van Poelgeest

"Wiper builds a compelling mystery set against a dark, but all-too-real future. Beautiful art and storytelling make this a memorable read. I can't wait to revisit this world again!"–Josh Trujillo

Be sure to follow DarkHorseComics on social media and check our website, www.darkhorse.com for more news, announcements, and updates.


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