El manga “Innocent” de Shin’ichi Sakamoto continúa en inglés en la secuela de Dark Horse
La amada y sangrienta serie dramática histórica del creador de manga Shin’ichi Sakamoto continúa, mientras Dark Horse Manga presenta Innocent Rouge Omnibus Volume 1. Siguiendo la serie Innocent, ahora recopilada en tres volúmenes ómnibus por Dark Horse, el primer volumen ómnibus de Innocent Rouge recopila los primeros tres volúmenes de la serie de manga japonesa original inspirada en la brutalidad y belleza del amanecer de la Revolución Francesa. Traducido por Michael Gombos (Innocent, FLCL) con letras de Susie Lee y Studio Cutie (Innocent, Berserk), los fanáticos pueden esperar que la aristocracia y la conspiración regresen en octubre de 2025.
En Innocent Rouge:
¡El amanecer de la Revolución Francesa está plagado de intrigas, nobleza y venganza! Charles-Henri Sanson reina como el jefe de una familia de verdugos. Sus sueños de un mundo sin ejecuciones se han desvanecido a medida que el legado de la Casa Sanson toma precedencia. Su hermana menor, Marie-Joseph, destinada en la oficina de Versalles, vive libre, sin las ataduras de los preceptos de la sociedad, y su actitud arrogante hacia el deber pone en peligro la santidad de ese legado. Después de la muerte de su primer amor, Alain, se embarca en un camino de venganza bañado en carmesí. No se detendrá ante nada para exponer al asesino y derrocar el sistema injusto que le costó la vida.
¿Podrá Charles-Henri Sanson mantener el legado familiar? ¿O quedará en ruinas cuando Innocent Rouge Omnibus Volumen 1, el libro de bolsillo de 608 páginas (5,75” x 8,25”) llegue a las librerías y tiendas de cómics el 21 y 22 de octubre de 2025 por 29,99 dólares. Reserva ahora en TFAW, Amazon, Barnes and Noble o en tu librería local, o visita el Buscador de tiendas de cómics para obtener más detalles y tiendas cercanas.
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RETURN TO THE BEGINNINGS OF THE BLOODY REVOLUTION WITH “INNOCENT ROUGE” | | Shin’ichi Sakamoto’s “Innocent” Manga Continues in English in the sequel from Dark Horse | MILWAUKIE, Ore., (February 26, 2025)— Manga creator Shin’ichi Sakamoto’s beloved, blood-soaked historical drama series continues, as Dark Horse Manga presents Innocent Rouge Omnibus Volume 1. Following the series Innocent, now collected in three omnibus volumes by Dark Horse, the first omnibus volume of Innocent Rouge collects the first three volumes of the original Japanese manga series inspired by the brutality and beauty of the dawn of the French Revolution. Translated by Michael Gombos (Innocent, FLCL) with lettering by Susie Lee and Studio Cutie (Innocent, Berserk), fans can expect the aristocracy and conspiracy to return in October 2025.
In Innocent Rouge:
The dawn of the French Revolution is rife with intrigue, nobility, and revenge! Charles-Henri Sanson reigns as the head of a family of executioners. His dreams of a world without execution have faded as the legacy of House Sanson takes precedence. His younger sister Marie-Joseph, stationed at the office of Versailles, lives free—unshackled by the precepts of society, and her cavalier attitude towards duty jeopardizes the sanctity of that legacy. Following the death of her first love, Alain, she sets herself on a crimson-soaked path of vengeance. She will stop at nothing to expose the murderer and overthrow the unjust system that cost him his life.
Can Charles-Henri Sanson uphold the family legacy? Or will it be left in ruin when Innocent Rouge Omnibus Volume 1, the 608-page (5.75” x 8.25”) paperback arrives in bookstores and comic shops on October 21st and 22nd, 2025, for $29.99. Pre-order now from TFAW, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or your local bookstore, or visit Comic Shop Locator for more details and stores near you. Praise for Innocent:
“Innocent is lurid entertainment with a bit of depth and a lot of sensation, albeit within cable TV bounds. Sakamoto’s art is attractive, a pastiche of Kentarō Miura with an eye for viscera, historical atmosphere and beautiful effeminate men that make everyone else look very ugly.”—The Comics Journal
“Compelling, vivid and a profound narrative in its own right, it establishes the story's immersive atmosphere with ornate impressions of olden architecture, landscapes and the human anatomy. Nightmarish sequences and a heavy use of metaphor graphics heighten the melodrama. It's practically a cinematic experience.”—Milk Can Anime
“Sakamoto's uncompromising indulgence in full-page spreads and sequences of wordless panels can make Innocent read surprisingly briskly despite its density in both art and subject matter. But it also invites you to linger on that artistry, on the fragile, destructible beauty of both its cast and the horrors it unflinchingly depicts them committing. And through it all, we can feel the primal, pulsating power of the Revolution preparing to scream forth.”—Anime News Network |
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