The Green Hornet is a superhero created by George W. Trendle and Fran Striker, for a radio show in the United States in the 1930s, which subsequently leaped to other media including film, television (1967 series), and comics. Britt Reid is the owner of the newspaper "Daily Sentinel" where he has access to important information that allows him to know the criminal world and attack them as the Green Hornet accompanied by his bodyguard Kato (who was played by Bruce Lee in the TV series). Reid has ensured that the image of the Green Hornet is an enemy of society, allowing him to more easily infiltrate in criminal organizations.
What does it come from?
In Green Hornet # 1 the Green Hornet and Kato saves a baby from the US Army, then go back 24 hours to explain how they got there.
Britt Reid learns that Candice Carbajal of the Daily Sentinel (owned by Britt) mysteriously disappeared just as she was going to interview a government agent in Kansas about an asteroid that crashed on Earth. He heads with Kato to Kansas to find out.
The issue closes with the attack of a being that does not seem to be from this planet.
This comic is in white, black and green.
What's going on?
This alien is actually the astronaut Reginald Archeworthy who suffered an accident in space with cosmic radiation and transformed into this being that seems from another world.
Reginald was after the ship that caused the accident in space, which is directing them towards Area 51.
Art and Plot
This comic nicely balances the detective genre with sci-fi and good plot twists.
Britt and Kato delve into an intense and otherworldly mystery. This series is daring but at the same time has all the best elements of the Green Hornet comics
4 out of 5
Writers: Scott Lobdell
Illustrator: Anthony Marques
Colorist: Anthony Marques
Inks: J. Bone
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Release date: September 9
Posted by: Dynamite Comics
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