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Esta serie de 8 capítulos en Netflix está basada en el cómic/ obra maestra Jupiter's Legacy/El Legado de Júpiter de Mark Millar y Frank quitely , que ha generado muchas expectativas entre los fanáticos del cómic desde que Netflix compró Millarworld en agosto 2017.
¿De qué viene?
Esta serie es una épica saga de superhéroes multigeneracional, que incluye la primera generación de superhéroes del mundo que recibieron sus poderes en la década de 1930 y como sus hijos no son tan altruistas como sus padres y pierden vigencia las viejas reglas.
La serie gira en torno a la familia Sampson, la primera y segunda generación de superhéroes.
Aquí el trailer:
La serie se divide en dos líneas temporales que compara las circunstancias de vida de Sheldon Sampson antes y después de ser el primer superhéroe del mundo, Utopian
La primera línea temporal se remonta a 1929, en la terrible y trágica recesión económica que impactó a EE.UU. Aquí analizan la relación de sheldon con su padre y con su hermano Walter. Pero solo luego del suicidio del padre de Sheldon es que recibe una especie de llamado perverso que se transforma en una odisea de Sheldon por seguir las pistas con la ayuda de su mejor amigo George, su hermano Walter, la reportera Grace, su ex empleado Fitz y otros integrantes misteriosos que forman parte de este llamado.
Esta búsqueda termina en una isla misteriosa en el pacífico donde se desencadenan los poderes en todo el planeta. Sheldon, Walter, Grace, George y Fitz son los más poderosos y forman The Union of Justice, con un código "No matar ni usar su poder con un objetivo diferente al bien común" (los poderes de cada personaje son explicados al final de la reseña). Toda esta primera línea temporal mezcla terror, suspenso, ciencia ficción y recuerda filmes como King Kong y Encuentros Cercanos del Tercer Tipo.
Esta línea de tiempo es la que posee el ritmo más lento en narración, porque carece de la presencia de superhéroes y se dedica a mostrar con detalle la cultura, vestimentas, vehículos de la década de 1930, por lo que es necesario verla varias veces, porque al conocer mejor a todos los personajes, te ofrece otra perspectiva.
Lo que más desprende esta historia de búsqueda es que el peor enemigo que tenemos somos nosotros mismos.
La segunda línea temporal es en la actualidad, en el 2021, Sheldon sigue siendo el líder de The Union, lleva más de 90 años como el superhéroe Utopian, toda esa primera generación han envejecido lentamente como Walter-Brainwave, Grace-Lady Liberty y Fitz-The Flare, George-Skyfox se retiró del equipo hace años y se convirtió en un villano, no revelaron la razón.
Sheldon y Grace tuvieron dos hijos, Chloe y Brandon, ambos poseen superpoderes. Chloe no quiere saber nada de super heroes, ella es una influencer que aprovecha sus poderes y fama para vivir como una celebridad. Por otro lado está Brandon, que se llama The Paragon, posee poderes similares a los de Utopian, Brandon quiere a toda costa demostrarle a su padre que será el mejor relevo de Utopian, pero sus intentos fallan y todo se complica cuando viola el código al asesinar a un villano.
La secuencia de pelea de The Union vs Dark Star es espectacular, desde los efectos hasta los resultados.
Todo se le complica a Utopian cuando ni su hijo, hermano, esposa o integrantes de The Union no creen en el código de no matar a villanos y de estar obligados a usar sus poderes sólo por causas altruistas. Por alguna razón los villanos actuales son más letales y crueles. Aquí la serie analiza la delgada línea entre ser un superhéroe y un vigilante, es decir, en ser Spider-man o Punisher, donde volverse parte de la enfermedad puede ser o no la mejor medicina.
Por otro lado analizan el peso que los padres hacen asumir a sus hijos, un legado que solo les causa frustración, así le ocurre a Chloe, que al final resulta ser novia de Hutch (que tiene un pod transportador espectacular), es criminal que sigue un código de no matar y es el hijo de George-Skyfox. Hutch tiene un plan para recuperar a su padre, que es un misterio.
La lucha de Utopian porque su código siga tendiendo importancia se convierte en una lucha entre la generación de Baby Boomers contra Millennials (como lo definió Mark Millar) pero en circunstancias super especiales. Detrás de este impase y división entre héroes esta alguien acechando, con un plan maestro que funciona a la perfección (revelación del capítulo 8).
La segunda línea temporal posee un ritmo más acelerado de narración y obviamente proporciona las mejores secuencias de pelea y efectos especiales.
Un Cómic Más ha analizado y reseñado esta saga de comics desde sus inicios en el año 2013 (Jupiters Legacy Vol1-2 (Incialmente Jupiter's Circle) Jupiter's Legacy Vol 3 y Jupiter's Legacy Vol 4) y analizamos ahora mencionamos las diferencias entre el cómic y la serie.
La serie utiliza y amplía todo el contenido de Jupiters Legacy Vol 1 y 2 y solo usa una pequeña parte de Jupiter's Legacy Vol 3 y nada más muestra algunos personajes de Jupiters Legacy Vol. 4.
Estos aspectos que fueron modificados le aportaron a la historia mucha substancia y hace aún más entendible el cómic, entre esos cambio se pueden mencionar:
- Brandon quiere ser un héroe y es parte de The Union of justice, en el comic no formaba parte del equipo, era un parrandero empedernido.
- La historia de cómo llegaron a la isla es explicada con muchos más detalles y le dan un significado mayor.
- El incidente con Black Star tiene más importancia en la trama, en el cómic solo es una pelea.
- La relación entre Sheldon y su padre es explorada, por lo que destaca más que el conflicto paternal trasciende a todas las generaciones involucradas
- Hutch no tenía una banda de criminales y Neutrino (la actuación de la Venezolana Humberly Gonzales es magnífica, esperamos más tiempo de pantalla en la temporada 2) no formaba parte de ella, su participación esta serie es mayor en la serie que en el comic.
5 de 5
This series is based on the comic / masterpiece Jupiter's Legacy by Mark Millar y Frank quitely its 8-episode live-action version on Netflix is available, which has generated a lot of expectations among comic fans since Netflix bought Millarworld in August 2017.
What does it come from?
Here the trailer:
The series is divided in two timelines comparing Sheldon Sampson's life circumstances before and after he was the world's first superhero, Utopian.
The first timeline narrates dating back to 1929, in the terrible and tragic economic recession that hit the US, highlighting the relationship with his father and his brother Walter. But only after the suicide of Sheldon's father does he receive a kind of perverse call from what seems to be his father, this call becomes an odyssey for Sheldon to follow the clues with the help of his best friend George, his brother Walter , the reporter Grace, his former employee Fitz and other mysterious members who are part of this call.
This search ends on a mysterious island in the Pacific where powers are unleashed across the planet, but Sheldon, Walter, Grace, George and Fitz are the most powerful and form The Union of Justice, with a code "Do not kill or use your power with a different objective for the common good "(the powers of each character are explained at the end of the review). This entire first timeline mixes horror, suspense, science fiction and recalls films like King Kong and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
This timeline is the one with the slowest pace in narration, because it lacks the presence of superheroes and is dedicated to showing in detail the culture, clothing, vehicles of the 1930s, so it's a good exercise to see it again because when knowing better to all characters offers you another perspective.
What this search story reveals the most is that the worst enemy we have is ourselves.
The second timeline happens today, in 2021, Sheldon is still the leader of The Union, he has been the superhero Utopian for more than 90 years, all that first generation have slowly aged like Walter-Brainwave, Grace-Lady Liberty and Fitz -The Flare, George-Skyfox retired from the team years ago and became a villain, they did not reveal the reason.
Sheldon and Grace had two children, Chloe and Brandon, both have superpowers, Chloe does not want to know anything about superheroes, she is an influencer who takes advantage of her powers and fame to live as a celebrity. On the other hand, there is Brandon, who is called The Paragon, he has powers similar to those of Utopian, Brandon wants at all costs to show his father that he will be the next Utopian, but his attempts fail and everything becomes complicated when he violates the code to murder a villain.
The fight sequence of The Union vs Dark Star is spectacular, from the F/X to the results.
Everything is complicated for Utopian when neither his son, brother, wife or members of The Union believe in the code of not killing villains and of being forced to use their powers only for altruistic causes. For some strange reason today's villains are more lethal and cruel. Here the series analyzes the fine line between being a superhero and a vigilante, that is, being Spider-man or Punisher, where becoming part of the disease may or may not be the best medicine.
It analyze the weight that parents make their children bear, a legacy that they should not bear and only causes frustration, this is what happens to Chloe, who in the end turns out to be Hutch's girlfriend (who has a spectacular transport pod), He is a criminal who follows a no-kill code and is the son of George-Skyfox. Hutch has a plan to get his father back, which is a mystery.
Utopian's fight for his code becomes a fight between the Baby Boomers generation against Millennials (as defined by Mark Millar) but in super special circumstances. This impasse and division between heroes is part of the plan of someone lurking (reveal of chapter 8).
The second timeline has a faster pace of storytelling and obviously provides the best fight sequences and special effects.
Un Cómic Más has analyzed and reviewed this saga of comics since 2013 (Jupiters Legacy Vol1-2 (Initially Jupiter's Circle), Jupiter's Legacy Vol 3 and Jupiter's Legacy Vol 4) and we now analyze and mention the differences between the comic and the Serie.
The series uses and expands all the content of Jupiter's Legacy Vol 1 and 2 and only uses a small part of Jupiter's Legacy Vol 3 and only some characters from Jupiter's Legacy Vol. 4.
These aspects that were modified gave the story a lot of substance and made the comic even more understandable, among those changes we can mention:
- Brandon wants to be a hero and he is part of The Union of Justice, in the comic he was not part of the team, he was an inveterate partygoer.
- The story of how they came to the island is explained in much more detail and given greater meaning.
- The incident with Black Star has more importance in the plot, in the comic it's just a fight.
- The relationship between Sheldon and his father is explored, which is why it stands out more that the paternal conflict transcends all the generations involved.
- Hutch did not have a gang of criminals and Neutrino (the performance of the Venezuelan Humberly Gonzales is magnificent, we expect she will have more screen time in season 2) was not part of it, his participation in this series is greater in the series than in the comic.
This saga in comics will close with 12 comics in Jupiter's Legacy Requiem that will be released in June 2021, where they will explain the real reasons why the island gave powers to humans.
Jupiters Legacy makes its way through all the comic book adaptations with a story focused on family drama caused by the weight of legacy, where being the son of the best superhero involves immense pressure to exceed everyone's expectations, in a changing world where the laws that worked 90 years ago must be analyzed and discussed.
Although it is a series of comics, part of the narrative explains what heroes were like before having super powers, therefore there are two narratives with different narrative rhythms.
Drama, fast-paced action and extreme violence in 8 chapters for adults.
5 of 5
Below we show you each of the main characters and their comic version, explaining their powers, we can't imagine that another cast can raise the level of excellence that all these actors achieved, their chemistry is magnificent:
Sheldon Sampson-Utopian, the leader of The Union of Justice, the planet's greatest hero since 1929, altruistic but dissociated from his family. He possesses super strength, ability to fly, laser vision. Portrayed by Josh Duhamel. Josh outdoes himself in everything he's done before.
Walter Sampson-Brainwave, Sheldon's brother, his mental powers are unsurpassed. His ego is huge. Portrayed by Ben Daniels
He embodies the intelligent and extremely dangerous resentful brother, he is a genius in his performance
Grace Kennedy-Lady Liberty, Sheldon's devoted wife and tireless heroine possesses super strength, speed and can fly, played by Leslie Bibb.
The naivety and tenacity of her pierces the screen, a warm and beautiful performance.
Chloe, model, influencer, daughter of Sheldon, far removed from being a hero. Portrayed by Elena Kampouris.
She steals each of the scenes in which she works, it is funny, intense and shows the intense pain that he feels for not being understood or accepted by anyone
Fitz Small-The Flare, has super speed and can release photon energy, is retired due to injury, played by Mike Wade
Highlights the sadness of not being able to be who he once was
Release Date: May 7
Classification: for over 18s
Duration: 8 chapters of 30-45 min each approximately
Based on the comic Jupiter's Legacy by Mark Millar and Frank quitely
Cast: Josh Duhamel-Sheldon Sampson, Ben Daniels-Brainwave, Leslie Bibb-Grace Kennedy-Sampson, Andrew Horton-Brandon Sampson, Elena Kampouris-Chloe Sampson, Mike Wade-Fitz Small, Matt Lanter-George Hutchence, Richard Blackburn-Chester, David Julian Hirsh-Blue Bolt, Tyler Mane-Blackstar, Ian Quinlan-Hutch, Tenika Davis-Petra, Gracie Dzienny-Ruby Red, Conrad Coates-Captain Borges, Anna Akana-Raikou, Humberly González-Neutrino
Many thanks to Mark and Lucy Millar and Netflix for allowing us the honor and joy of previewing the first chapter.
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