martes, 11 de julio de 2023



Portada arte de Christian DiBari y Simon Gough

Top Cow Productions, Inc., la compañía detrás de The Darkness y Cyber Force, anunció hoy que se ha asociado con EP1T0ME Studios, Inc. para coproducir y publicar Destiny Gate, una nueva serie de cómics de horror noir.

Destiny Gate  es una mezcla de Inception y Amnesia: The Dark Descent, es una serie inmersiva y llena de acción basada en el concepto de juego de Paul Limon y escrita por Ryan Cady (Haunt You to the End, The Joker, Magdalena), ilustrada por Christian DiBari (Revolvers, The Clay People: Colossus, Tales Told in Techni-Horror) y coloreado por Simon Gough.

Richard Leibowitz, presidente de EP1T0ME, dice: “Le dije a Paul, un ex-artista de Blizzard, que su presentación del juego Destiny Gate era una de las mejores que había leído; estamos felices de trabajar con Paul y Top Cow para hacer el cómic y estamos ansiosos por hacer el próximo juego”.

Portada arte de Rahsan Ekedal


La vida, en su mayor parte, es el producto de las decisiones que tomas. Para algunos, una o dos decisiones "equivocadas" (o más) conducen a una encrucijada al otro lado de la Puerta del Destino. ¿Luchas por una oportunidad de sobrevivir y empezar de nuevo, o sucumbes a tus demonios internos y acabas con todo por ti y, peor aún, por los tuyos? En esta historia de apertura, nos encontramos con Mitchell Slate en el apogeo de la Gran Depresión. Con mala suerte y dirigiéndose a casa con una familia decepcionada y desesperada, el viaje en tren de Mitchell se descarrila y se transforma en un viaje macabro y sombríamente fantástico hacia su propia alma frágil.

Portada arte de Christian DiBari

Esta compleja historia es la razón por la cual el presidente de Top Cow, Matt Hawkins, exclama: “Destiny Gate es una de las historias sobrenaturales más interesantes que hemos hecho. Ryan Cady y Christian Dibari cumplen con este. ¡Amo este libro!"

“Los elementos narrativos y artísticos que se desarrollan en Destiny Gate están entre mis favoritos: terror alucinante, arquitectura psicológica surrealista y, por supuesto, diseño art déco radical. “ dice el escritor Ryan Cady. “Con todo para jugar aquí, ha sido emocionante traducir el horror inmersivo de un juego como este en forma de cómic”.

El artista Christian DiBari agrega: “Es genial reunirme con Ryan Cady quien, como yo, es un gran fanático del terror. Inspirándome en películas como Dark City y Jacob's Ladder y los guiones de Ryan, utilizo sombras intensas y diferentes tipos de pinceles para empujar el aspecto visual hacia una dirección más negra con imágenes de pesadilla".

Los fanáticos del terror con intereses más allá de los cómics disfrutarán del nuevo mundo negro que han desarrollado Cady y DiBari.

Destiny Gate es el cuarto proyecto entre Top Cow y EP1T0ME; anteriormente, las dos compañías lanzaron St. Mercy, The Clay People: Colossus y Revolvers, aclamadas por la crítica.

La portada A de Destiny Gate #1 de Christian DiBari y Simon Gough, y la portada B de Rahsan Ekedal, estarán en las tiendas de historietas el 11 de octubre de 2023 y también estarán disponibles para su compra en plataformas digitales, incluidas Amazon Kindle, Apple Books y Google Play. 

Top Cow Productions es una editorial de cómics fundada por Marc Silvestri en 1992. Sus títulos más populares son The Darkness, Witchblade, Death Vigil, Aphrodite IX, Think Tank, Eclipse, The Tithe, Postal y mucho más. Para obtener más información, visita


Get Caught Between Reality and Madness 

in Top Cow/EP1T0ME’s Immersive New Series DESTINY GATE 

All Aboard! Mitchell Slate takes the ride of his life through Destiny Gate…


LOS ANGELES - July 11th, 2023 - Top Cow Productions, Inc., the company behind The Darkness and Cyber Force, announced today that it has partnered with EP1T0ME Studios, Inc. to co-produce and to publish Destiny Gate, a new horror, noir thriller series.

Destiny Gate, a blend of Inception and Amnesia: The Dark Descent, is an action-packed, immersive series based on the game concept by Paul Limon and being penned by Ryan Cady (Haunt You to the End, The Joker, Magdalena), illustrated by Christian DiBari (Revolvers, The Clay People: Colossus, Tales Told in Techni-Horror) and colored by Simon Gough.

Richard Leibowitz, EP1T0ME President, says, “I told Paul, an ex-Blizzard artist, that his Destiny Gate game pitch was one of the best I’d ever read; we’re happy to work with Paul and Top Cow to make the comic and look forward to making the game next.”

The debut title’s solicitation for issue #1 states:

Life, for the most part, is the product of the decisions you make. For some, a “wrong” decision or two (or more) leads to a crossroads on the other side of the Destiny Gate. Do you fight for a chance to survive and to start anew, or do you succumb to your inner demons and end it all for you and, worse, yours? In this opening tale, we meet Mitchell Slate at the height of the Great Depression. Down on his luck and heading home to a disappointed and desperate family, Mitchell’s train ride veers off the rails and transforms into a macabre and darkly fantastical journey into his own fragile soul.

This complex storyline is why Top Cow President Matt Hawkins exclaims “Destiny Gate is one of the more interesting supernatural stories we've ever done. Ryan Cady and Christian Dibari deliver on this one. I love this book!"

“The narrative and artistic elements playing out in Destiny Gate are among my favorites - mind-bending horror, surrealist psychological architecture, and of course, radical art deco design. “ says writer Ryan Cady. “With everything to play with here, it’s been a thrill to translate the immersive horror of a game like this into comic book form.”

Artist Christian DiBari adds, “It is great reuniting with Ryan Cady who, like me, is a huge horror fan. Inspired by films like Dark City and Jacob's Ladder and Ryan’s scripts, I use heavy shadows and different kinds of brushes to push the visual look more in a noir direction with nightmarish images.”

Horror fans with interests beyond comics are going to enjoy the new noir world that Cady and DiBari have developed. 

Destiny Gate is the fourth project between Top Cow and EP1T0ME; previously, the two companies launched the critically-acclaimed St. Mercy, The Clay People: Colossus, and Revolvers.

Destiny Gate #1 Cover A by Christian DiBari and Simon Gough, and Cover B by Rahsan Ekedal, will be in comic shops on October 11th, 2023, and also available for purchase on digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play



Top Cow Productions, Inc.(, a Los Angeles-based entertainment company, was founded in December of 1992 by artist Marc Silvestri, who also co-founded Image Comics earlier that same year. Top Cow currently publishes its line of comic books in 21 languages in over 55 different countries. The company has launched 20 franchises (18 original and two licensed) in the industry’s Top 10, seven at #1, a feat accomplished by no other publisher in the last two decades.

For more comics and collectibles visit The Top Cow Store

ABOUT IMAGE COMICS Image Comics is a comic book and graphic novel publisher founded in 1992 by a group of bestselling artists and has gone on to become the second largest comics publisher in the United States. The company currently has six individuals on the Board of Directors: Robert Kirkman, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, Jim Valentino, and Eric Stephenson. Image publishes comics and graphic novels in nearly every genre, style, and format imaginable. Its titles run the gamut of science fiction, fantasy, romance, horror, crime, humor, and are created by the top artists and writers working in the medium today. For more information, visit

EP1T0ME Studios, Inc., (, is a video game company headquartered in Austin, TX with locations in Los Angeles, CA and Montreal, Quebec. We are focused on delivering story-driven game experiences across multiple platforms, including PC, console, mobile and VR.  We work with exceptional independent game developers and experienced creative talent on both original and established IP.  We are developing original IP specifically for multiplatform storytelling, including games, comics, film, television, audio drama and podcasts.


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