Finalmente Bonnie Black cumple con la profecía y se encuentra con Lord Golgotha, quien explica el origen de sus poderes y descubre malévolo plan, lo que desconoce es que Bonnie no está sola, tiene a una GRAN aliada. Lord Golgotha ha creado una máquina que funciona con la sangre de todos aquellos que asesina en Adystria, para poder abrir un portal hasta nuestra dimensión y con sus poderes demoniacos adquiridos hacer desastres.
Lord Golgotha era un asesino en serie que luego de suicidarse aparece en Adystria como casi un dios, confirmando que la escala de sus poderes es directamente proporcional a los crímenes que realizó en vida (la primera etapa de su vida), lo mismo aplica con Bonnie, solo que ella manifiesta sus poderes de forma intermitente, pues este efecto tiene su explicación...Bonnie no está por completo en Adystria.
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Una piscina de sangre es lo que activa la maquina dimensional de Golgotha |
Lord Golgotha era un asesino en serie que luego de suicidarse aparece en Adystria como casi un dios, confirmando que la escala de sus poderes es directamente proporcional a los crímenes que realizó en vida (la primera etapa de su vida), lo mismo aplica con Bonnie, solo que ella manifiesta sus poderes de forma intermitente, pues este efecto tiene su explicación...Bonnie no está por completo en Adystria.
Harry, (el esposo de Bonnie en nuestro mundo) fue asesinado por Golgotha hace 10 años vive en Adystria con otra mujer y familia, sin embargo Bonnie no descanso hasta conseguir su paradero y aún así comprendió que el podía rehacer su vida, el detalle es que el está encerrado por Golgotha.
La batalla final es intensa, donde muchos caen, en especial una gran aliada de Bonnie. La historia cierra de una vez la relación de Bonnie con la tierra, corta sus lazos con nuestra dimensión, ella libera todo su poder y demuestra ser la salvadora de Adystria, solo que la historia cierra con muchas más preguntas, como ¿dónde está la madre de Bonnie? ¿quién escribió esa profecía?¿los que mueren en Adystria van a otro mundo?...bueno eso quedará para el volumen 2.
El arte de Greg Capulllo sigue sorprendiendo, es posiblemente su cómic mejor ilustrado de esta miniserie, el gran equipo que lo apoya en las tintas y colores (Jonathan Glapion y Francisco Plascencia respectivamente) sumado al diseñado de Nate Piekos hace que esta serie sea de lectura obligada.
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El arte de Capullo asusta, asombra y encanta en cada pagina |
Mark Millar cierra este primer volumen con muchos cabos sueltos, dejándote con ganas de saber mucho más de las aventuras de Bonnie, quien tiene apenas toda su vida por delante.
Reborn es sin duda una historia intensa, con un universo de circunstancias y personajes nuevos que mezcla perfectamente la fantasía con la ciencia ficción, este primer volumen te deja en la espera de lo que vendrá.
Reborn es sin duda una historia intensa, con un universo de circunstancias y personajes nuevos que mezcla perfectamente la fantasía con la ciencia ficción, este primer volumen te deja en la espera de lo que vendrá.
4.7 de 5
Recomendada con los ojos cerrados
Calificación Completa del Volumen 1:
un solido 4.9 de 5
Es una adictiva lectura sumada a un
sobresaliente arte
Escritor: Mark Millar (@mrmarkmillar)
Ilustrador: Greg Capullo (@GregCapullo)
Tintas: Jonathan Glapion (@jonathanglapion)
Colores: Francisco Plascencia (@fcoo)
Letras y diseño: Nate Piekos (@Blambot)
Editor: Rachael Fulton (@Rachael_Fulton)
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 7 DE JUNIO 2017
Editorial: Image Comics
Agradecemos a Lucy y Mark de Millarworld por permitirnos realizar esta reseña, gracias por su confianza y amabilidad.
Finally Bonnie Black fulfills the prophecy and meets with Lord Golgotha, who explains the origin of its powers and discovers his malicious plan, what it does not know is that Bonnie is not alone, it has a GREAT allied. Lord Golgotha has created a machine that works with the blood of all those who murder in Adystria, to be able to open a portal to our dimension and with its demonic powers make disasters and slauther everything he wants.
Lord Golgotha was a serial killer who after suicide appears in Adystria as a god, confirming that the scale of his powers is directly proportional to the crimes he did in life (the first stage of his life), the same applies to Bonnie, only that she manifests her powers intermittently, this effect has its explanation ... Bonnie is not completely alive in Adystria.
Harry (Bonnie's husband in our world) was killed by Golgotha 10 years ago, he is living in Adystria with another woman and family, however Bonnie did not rest until her found his whereabouts and she still understood that he could redo his life, the detail is that he is imprisoned by Golgotha.
The final battle is intense, where many fall, especially a great ally of Bonnie. The story closes Bonnie's relationship with the land, cuts her ties with our dimension, she releases all her power and proves to be the savior of Adystria, only the story closes with many more questions, such as where is Bonnie's mother? Who wrote the prophecy? Those who die in Adystria go to another world?... well that will be for Volume 2.
The art of Greg Capulllo continues to surprise, it is possibly his best illustrated comic of this miniseries, the great team that supports him in the inks and colors (Jonathan Glapion and Francisco Plascencia respectively) added to the designed one of Nate Piekos makes this series a must read.
Mark Millar closes this first volume with many loose ends, leaving you wanting to know much more about the adventures of Bonnie, who has just his whole life ahead.
In these links you can read the review (spanish/english) of:
Escritor: Mark Millar (@mrmarkmillar)
Ilustrador: Greg Capullo (@GregCapullo)
Tintas: Jonathan Glapion (@jonathanglapion)
Colores: Francisco Plascencia (@fcoo)
Letras y diseño: Nate Piekos (@Blambot)
Editor: Rachael Fulton (@Rachael_Fulton)
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 7 DE JUNIO 2017
Editorial: Image Comics
Agradecemos a Lucy y Mark de Millarworld por permitirnos realizar esta reseña, gracias por su confianza y amabilidad.
Lord Golgotha was a serial killer who after suicide appears in Adystria as a god, confirming that the scale of his powers is directly proportional to the crimes he did in life (the first stage of his life), the same applies to Bonnie, only that she manifests her powers intermittently, this effect has its explanation ... Bonnie is not completely alive in Adystria.
Harry (Bonnie's husband in our world) was killed by Golgotha 10 years ago, he is living in Adystria with another woman and family, however Bonnie did not rest until her found his whereabouts and she still understood that he could redo his life, the detail is that he is imprisoned by Golgotha.
The final battle is intense, where many fall, especially a great ally of Bonnie. The story closes Bonnie's relationship with the land, cuts her ties with our dimension, she releases all her power and proves to be the savior of Adystria, only the story closes with many more questions, such as where is Bonnie's mother? Who wrote the prophecy? Those who die in Adystria go to another world?... well that will be for Volume 2.
The art of Greg Capulllo continues to surprise, it is possibly his best illustrated comic of this miniseries, the great team that supports him in the inks and colors (Jonathan Glapion and Francisco Plascencia respectively) added to the designed one of Nate Piekos makes this series a must read.
Mark Millar closes this first volume with many loose ends, leaving you wanting to know much more about the adventures of Bonnie, who has just his whole life ahead.
Reborn is undoubtedly an intense story, with a universe of circumstances and new characters that mix perfectly fantasy with science fiction, this first volume leaves you desperately waiting for what will come.
4.7 of 5
Recommended with my eyes closed
Full Score of Volume 1:
A solid 4.9 out of 5
It is an addictive reading with an
outstanding art
Recommended with my eyes closed
Full Score of Volume 1:
A solid 4.9 out of 5
It is an addictive reading with an
outstanding art
In these links you can read the review (spanish/english) of:
Writer: Mark Millar (@mrmarkmillar)
Colorist: Francisco Plascencia (@fcoo)
Release Date: June 7 2017
Publisher: Image Comics
Publisher: Image Comics
We thank Lucy and Mark Millarworld for allowing us to make this review, thank you for your trust and kindness.
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