jueves, 23 de enero de 2025



Dark Horse Comics presenta Los Monstruos, una nueva miniserie de cuatro números que combina misterio de detectives y monstruos ambientada en la década de 1950, escrita por James Robinson (Starman, Welcome to the Maynard), ilustrada por Jesús Merino (Wonder Woman, Waller vs. Wildstorm), coloreada por K.J. Díaz (Operation Sunshine: Already Dead, The Ones) y rotulada por Jim Campbell. El número 1 estará disponible en mayo de 2025 y contará con la portada principal de Merino, así como cuatro portadas alternativas de Tony Harris, Marcos Martín, Ramon Perez y Dan Panosian.


Los Monstruos, ubicada en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos, es una ciudad poblada únicamente por monstruos de todos los tipos que encontrarías en el folclore clásico y las películas de terror en blanco y negro. Todos siguen con sus vidas, trabajan, hacen trabajos, nada malo, nada malvado. Bueno, aparte de los delincuentes y gánsteres en el inframundo de Los Monstruos, pero todas las ciudades tienen esos, ¿verdad? Todas las ciudades también tienen detectives privados, y el detective privado hombre lobo Perry Cutter tiene un caso simple que rápidamente se está convirtiendo en un dolor de cabeza enorme. Inicialmente contratado para encontrar el amor perdido de un anciano entre la comunidad de vampiros de la ciudad, Perry rápidamente descubre que las cosas se están saliendo de control a medida que las bandas criminales de vampiros y momias egipcias también comienzan a involucrarse. Entonces, mientras Perry busca respuestas, se enfrenta a una serie de peligros y, al mismo tiempo, descubre secretos oscuros sobre su propio pasado como policía en el Departamento de Policía de Los Monstruos. ¿Podrá Perry resolver el caso, dejar atrás su historia, mantenerse con vida y, aun así, asistir a esa cita que tiene con esa linda camarera vampiro por la que está loco? Seguramente necesitará todas sus habilidades como detective y sus habilidades como hombre lobo para lograrlo.

"Escribir el primer arco de Los Monstruos ha sido una experiencia increíble para mí", dijo Robinson. "En primer lugar, puedo trabajar con el cocreador Jesús Merino, cuyo increíble arte en esta serie es digno de admirar y con quien colaborar e intercambiar ideas ha sido una alegría. Y también la serie en sí me ha cautivado por completo. Este es solo el comienzo, lo prometo, ya que hay muchas más historias por contar en la 'Ciudad de los Monstruos'".

Los Monstruos #1 (de 4) estará disponible en las tiendas de cómics el 7 de mayo de 2025. Ahora está disponible para reservar por $4.99 en su tienda de cómics local.

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Los Monstruos #1

Come for the sun, stay for the monsters and mystery.

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (January 23, 2025)—Dark Horse Comics presents Los Monstruos, a new four-issue detective mystery/monster mash-up miniseries set in the 1950s written by James Robinson (StarmanWelcome to the Maynard), illustrated by Jesús Merino (Wonder WomanWaller vs. Wildstorm), colored by K.J. Diaz (Operation Sunshine: Already DeadThe Ones), and lettered by Jim Campbell. Issue #1 will be available in May 2025 and will feature main cover art by Merino as well as four variant covers by Tony Harris, Marcos Martín, Ramon Perez, and Dan Panosian.  


Los Monstruos, located on the West Coast of America, is a city populated solely by monsters of all the kinds you’d find in classic folklore and black-and-white horror movies. They’re all just getting on with their lives, working, doing jobs, nothing bad, nothing evil. Well, apart from the crooks and gangsters in Los Monstruos’ underworld, but every city has those, right? All cities have private detectives, too, and werewolf P.I. Perry Cutter has a simple case that’s quickly turning into a king-size headache. Initially hired to find an old man’s lost love from among the city’s vampire community, Perry quickly finds things spiraling out of control as both vampire and Egyptian mummy criminal gangs begin to get involved too. So, as Perry looks for answers, he runs a gauntlet of danger while also uncovering dark secrets about his own past as a cop in the Los Monstruos Police Department. Can Perry solve the case, put his history to rest, stay alive, and still make that date he has with that cute vampire waitress he’s crazy about? It’s sure going to take all his skills as a detective and his abilities as a werewolf to do it.


"Writing the first arc of Los Monstruos has been one amazing ride for me,” said Robinson. “Firstly, I get to work with co-creator Jesus Merino, whose incredible art on this series is something to behold and who collaborating and exchanging ideas with has been a joy. And also the series itself has utterly captivated me. This is just the start, I promise, as there as so many more stories to be told in the 'City of Monsters.'"


Los Monstruos #1 (of 4) will be available in comic shops on May 7, 2025. It is now available to pre-order for $4.99 at your local comic shop.


Praise for Robinson and Merino:


Los Monstruos is James Robinson at his best! It’s a hardboiled monster wonderland filled with potential. Can’t wait to see where it goes next!”—Jeff Lemire (Minor ArcanaBlack Hammer: Spiral City)


Los Monstruos has so many elements I love: Detectives, Noir, and of course… Monsters. Plenty of Monsters. James Robinson and Jesús Merino deliver a surreal tale, but yet grounded in classic themes that feel just right. And K. J. Díaz’s colors give it all a surprising, pleasant warmth that defies the genres being mashed together here.”— J H Williams III (Echolands, Promethea, Batwoman)


“If you ever wondered what it would have been like if Raymond Chandler was in charge of the Universal Monsters, it still wouldn't be as much fun as this book. Robinson's mastery of pop culture has resulted in the unlikeliest of mash-ups, but somehow it not only makes sense, it feels perfectly natural in the hands of he and Merino.”—B. Clay Moore (Hawaiian DickMiles to Go)


“For all fans of old-school pulp adventure, this is the book for you!” — Eric Powell (The Goon)


“Top 10 for classic monster fans.  Take one part police procedural, add fantastic characters, batwings, an eye of newt, and make a potion for fun. Los Monstruos is the town I should have grown up in.”—J.G. Jones (Dust to Dust) 

“James Robinson & Co.’s Starman is an immensely creative and entertaining series for many reasons, but the use of its thematic throughline makes it one of the greatest and most memorable mainstream comics ever released.”—Monkeys Fighting Robots


“Jesús Merino is the consummate superhero artist, delivering clear pages and eye-catching action and characters you recognize in or out of costume.” — Slings and Arrows Graphic Novel Guide


Jesus Merino's art in this issue is flawless.”—You Don’t Read Comics on Wonder Woman

Be sure to follow Dark Horse Direct and Dark Horse Comics on social media and check our website, www.darkhorsedirect.com and www.darkhorse.com, for more news, announcements, and updates!


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