El éxito de Shook! A Black Horror Anthology ha convocado una antología completamente nueva de Second Sight Publishing y Dark Horse Comics: Shook! Songs of the Dark Sirens. Enterrados en estas páginas hay ocho historias de terror y miedo vistas a través de la lente de las mujeres. Los fanáticos que no pudieron resistirse a las emociones escalofriantes del primer volumen encontrarán este canto de sirena ineludible cuando Shook! Songs of the Dark Sirens acecha los estantes de las librerías a tiempo para Halloween 2025.
"Estoy muy agradecido de trabajar con estas mujeres tan talentosas", dijo Bradley Golden, director ejecutivo y fundador de Second Sight. "Me siento honrado de que Dark Horse Comics permita que estas mujeres cuenten tantas historias diversas de horror y pérdida a los medios tradicionales".
Esta antología presenta un elenco de creadores galardonados, con mujeres de color, entre ellas Alitha Martinez, Shakealia "Shake MacAudacious" Finley, Tananarive Due, Micheline Hess, Raeghan Buchanan y Colleen Douglas. El arte de Kimbrea Whaley se exhibe en la icónica portada de Shook!.
"Ha sido una experiencia increíble trabajar con estos creadores", coincidió el líder del proyecto Marcus Roberts. "El volumen 2 se convertirá en un clásico instantáneo".
Después de la exitosa antología de terror Shook! Una antología de terror negro, este volumen explora el terror de una manera diferente, pero no menos escalofriantemente fantástica, con arte y temas que pondrán los pelos de punta a cualquier fanático del terror.
“En resumen, el terror contado desde la perspectiva de las mujeres y, en particular, de las mujeres negras, tiene una importancia significativa”, confiesa la autora de la antología Colleen Douglas. “Porque ahí radica su capacidad de ofrecer perspectivas diversas, involucrarse con problemas sociales, brindar una representación cultural auténtica, empoderar a las audiencias y contribuir al crecimiento general y la inclusión del género de terror”.
Esto es solo una muestra de lo que hay dentro de Shook! Songs of the Dark Sirens:
En Pegana Rim of the Worlds (escrito por Colleen Douglas, arte de Luis Czerniawski, colores de Andrea Messi y letras de Bernardo Brice), Richard, un anticuario, es aficionado a los libros y al conocimiento sobrenatural. Su obsesión actual es un tomo prestado por el Museo Ubersee, Pegana Rim of the Worlds. Qué oportunidad para una buena lectura, pero algo anda mal; Recientemente, su casa ha sido invadida por insectos, no del tipo que había visto antes, y parecen casi sensibles.
"Estaba tan emocionada de tener la oportunidad de tener una historia en Shook vol. 2", confirma Micheline Hess. "Me dio la oportunidad de combinar 3 de mis cosas favoritas. ¡Un personaje femenino negro fuerte, monociclos eléctricos y monstruos! God's Blood We Deliver es una historia sobre una mujer mayor que aprende que nunca es demasiado tarde para comenzar una nueva carrera, ¡incluso en un apocalipsis vampírico!"
¡Cuidado con el canto de sirena y consigue una copia de Shook! Songs of the Dark Sirens en librerías y tiendas de cómics el 28 de octubre de 2025. Este libro de bolsillo de 140 páginas (6,625" x 10,1875") está disponible para preordenar ahora por $24,99 en TFAW, Amazon, Barnes and Noble o en tu librería local, o visita el Buscador de tiendas de cómics para obtener más detalles y tiendas cercanas.
SECOND SIGHT PUBLISHING PRESENTS MORE CHILLS AND THRILLS IN A NEW “SHOOK!” ANTHOLOGY | | A new volume of horror comics featuring a cadre of award-winning women creators and artists of color | MILWAUKIE, Ore., (January 29, 2025)— The success of Shook! A Black Horror Anthology has summoned an all-new anthology from Second Sight Publishing and Dark Horse Comics: Shook! Songs of the Dark Sirens. Entombed in these pages are eight tales of terror and fear viewed through the lens of women. Fans who couldn’t resist the spine-tingling thrills of the first volume will find this siren's song inescapable when Shook! Songs of the Dark Sirens stalks the shelves of bookstores in time for Halloween 2025. "I'm very grateful to be working with these very talented women,” Bradley Golden, CEO and Founder of Second Sight said. “I'm honored that Dark Horse Comics is allowing these women to tell so many diverse stories of horror and loss to the mainstream media. "
This anthology features a cast of award-winning creators, featuring women of color, including Alitha Martinez, Shakealia "Shake MacAudacious" Finley, Tananarive Due, Micheline Hess, Raeghan Buchanan, and Colleen Douglas. The art of Kimbrea Whaley is showcased on the iconic Shook! Cover.
"It's been an awesome experience working with these creators,” agreed project lead Marcus Roberts. “Vol 2 is going to become an instant classic."
Following the hit horror anthology Shook! A Black Horror Anthology, this volume explores horror in a different, but no less chillingly fantastic way, with art and themes that will make any horror fan's skin crawl.
“In summary, horror told from the perspective of women and in particular Black women, holds significant importance,” confides anthology author Colleen Douglas. “Because therein lies its ability to offer diverse perspectives, engage with social issues, provide authentic cultural representation, empower audiences, and contribute to the overall growth and inclusivity of the horror genre.”
Here’s just a taste of what’s inside Shook! Songs of the Dark Sirens:
In Pegana Rim of the Worlds (written by Colleen Douglas, art by Luis Czerniawski, colors by Andrea Messi, and letters by Bernardo Brice), Richard, an antiquarian, is fond of books and eldritch knowledge. His current obsession is a tome on loan from the Ubersee Museum, Pegana Rim of the Worlds. What an opportunity for a good read, but something is wrong; recently, his home has been overrun by insects, not the kind he's seen before, and they seem almost sentient.
“I was so excited to get a chance to have a story in Shook vol 2,” confirms Micheline Hess. “It gave me a chance to combine 3 of my favorite things. A strong, Black, female character, electric unicycles, and monsters! God’s Blood We Deliver is a story about an older woman who learns that it’s never too late to start a new career, even in a Vampire Apocalypse!” Beware the siren’s call and hook a copy of Shook! Songs of the Dark Sirens in bookstores and comic shops October 28, 2025. This 140-page (6.625" x 10.1875") paperback is available for pre-order now for $24.99 from TFAW, Amazon, Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore, or visit Comic Shop Locator for more details and stores near you.
Be sure to follow DarkHorseComics on social media and check our website, www.darkhorse.com for more news, announcements, and updates.
Praise for Shook! A Black Horror Anthology:
“Shook! A Black Horror Anthology collects terrifying, thrilling, and even thoughtful stories of horror told through the lens of the Black experience.”—Comical Opinions
Exactly as advertised, this is an enormous collection of horror comics by Black artists and illustrators. It includes works from creators who have won the prestigious Will Eisner Award and Hugo Awards.”—Book Riot
“Anthology lovers, make sure you pick up this jam-packed horror anthology.”—What Sleeps Beneath
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