Dark Horse Books y Critical Role ahora pueden revelar que el libro previamente anunciado Critical Role: The Chronicles of Exandria—The Mighty Nein Part Two también estará disponible para coleccionistas en una impresionante Edición Deluxe a principios de 2025. Escrito por Dani Carr y adornado con una hermosa portada de la artista Helen Mask con la diseñadora Cindy Cacerez-Sprague, este volumen fue creado en colaboración con Matthew Mercer y el equipo de Critical Role, así como con los artistas de la comunidad Critter.

Acerca de Critical Role: The Chronicles of Exandria—The Mighty Nein Part Two:
¡La saga de los famosos aventureros de Exandria continúa en esta segunda colección de arte, narrativa y tradición del elenco de Critical Role y la comunidad de Critter! The Chronicles of Exandria: The Mighty Nein Part Two sigue la campaña de Critical Role de The Mighty Nein desde sus aventuras en Xhorhas hasta los encuentros con los Kryn y la Reina Brillante, pasando por los descubrimientos en el Santuario del Reposo de las Cenizas y en el vientre de un coloso, hasta los eventos en la Laguna del Amanecer Blanco y más allá.

La Edición Deluxe incluirá una tapa dura estampada en relieve con nervaduras en el lomo y una cinta marcadora, una carpeta estilo tríptico con una litografía de Hannah Freidrichs, una moneda de la dinastía Kryn con una imagen de la Reina Brillante presentada en una bolsa de terciopelo, un marcapáginas troquelado y de piel sintética con estampado en relieve y un sobre estampado en relieve que contiene: cinco postales con arte del interior del libro, una invitación a la fiesta del marqués, volantes de Brenatto’s Apothecary y Blooming Grove Tea de Helen Mask, Beacon Research Notes y el plano de la planta de Xhorhaus de Hunter Severn Bonyun, y un plano de Willi de Fernando Heinz Furukawa. Todos los artículos se presentarán dentro de un intrincado paquete tipo concha inspirado en Iva Deshin, propietaria de Chastity's Nook.


Critical Role: The Chronicles of Exandria—The Mighty Nein Part Two Deluxe Edition (304 páginas, 9.5" x 13") estará disponible en librerías el 4 de febrero de 2025 y en tiendas de cómics el 5 de febrero de 2025. Ya está disponible para reservar en Amazon, Barnes & Noble, TFAW y en tu tienda de cómics y librería local por $149.99.

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DARK HORSE BOOKS AND CRITICAL ROLE PRESENT “CRITICAL ROLE: THE CHRONICLES OF EXANDRIA—THE MIGHTY NEIN PART TWO” DELUXE EDITION | | Includes The Bright Queen postcards, a Kryn dynasty coin, and more! | MILWAUKIE, Ore., (September 12, 2024)—Dark Horse Books and Critical Role can now reveal that the previously announced book Critical Role: The Chronicles of Exandria—The Mighty Nein Part Two will also be available for collectors in a stunning Deluxe Edition in early 2025. Written by Dani Carr and adorned with a beautiful cover by artist Helen Mask with designer Cindy Cacerez-Sprague, this volume was created in collaboration with Matthew Mercer and the Critical Role team, as well as Critter community artists. About Critical Role: The Chronicles of Exandria—The Mighty Nein Part Two: The saga of Exandria's famous adventurers continues in this second collection of art, narrative, and lore from the cast of Critical Role and the Critter community! The Chronicles of Exandria: The Mighty Nein Part Two follows Critical Role's Mighty Nein campaign from their adventures in Xhorhas to encounters with the Kryn and the Bright Queen, to discoveries at the Cinderrest Sanctum and in the belly of a behemoth, all the way to events at the Whitedawn Lagoon and beyond. The Deluxe Edition will include a foil-stamped, debossed hardcover with spine ribs and a ribbon marker, a triptych-style portfolio with a lithograph by Hannah Freidrichs, a coin from the Kryn Dynasty featuring an image of the Bright Queen presented with a velvet pouch, a die-cut and faux leather foil-stamped bookmark, and a foil-stamped envelope containing: five postcards featuring art from inside the book, a Marquis Party invitation, fliers for Brenatto’s Apothecary and Blooming Grove Tea by Helen Mask, Beacon Research Notes and the Xhorhaus Floorplan by Hunter Severn Bonyun, and a Willi Blueprint by Fernando Heinz Furukawa. All items will be housed within an intricate clamshell package inspired by Iva Deshin, proprietor of Chastity's Nook. Critical Role: The Chronicles of Exandria—The Mighty Nein Part Two Deluxe Edition (304 pages, 9.5" x 13") will be available in bookstores on February 4, 2025 and in comic shops on February 5, 2025. It is now available to preorder at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, TFAW, and your local comic shop and bookstore for $149.99.
Praise for Critical Role: The Chronicles of Exandria—The Mighty Nein and Critical Role comics: “This will provide a unique perspective for fans as they read about the story and world alongside the stunning full-color art.” –SyFy.com “If you are a fan of Critical Role, you owe it to yourself to get this book. It's a monstrously large letter of love from the artists that breathe life into the fandom...an analog slideshow of the moments and memories that fans have shared over hundreds of hours with The Mighty Nein.”—The Geekly Grind “This remains one of the best fantasy comics on stands today.”—Comicbook.com "If you are a fan of Critical Role and the adventures of Vox Machina, I cannot recommend the series enough."—But Why Tho, Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins “If you’re a fan of Critical Role, and if you’re curious about the exploits of the show’s first cast of characters, this volume is a fantastic primer, and one you won’t regret.” –Women Write About Comics
“Vox Machina Origins is a triple-threat treat to fans new, old, and uninitiated. Awesome artwork = check. Superb storytelling = check. Humour, heart, and a heavy right hook of action = check, check, check.”–The Fantasy Hive |
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