martes, 22 de octubre de 2024

Los legendarios creadores de cómics Matt Wagner y Kelley Jones exploran la historia secreta de Drácula en DRACULA VOLUME 1: THE IMPALER ya disponible en Dark Horse Comics


Dark Horse Comics y los veteranos de los cómics Matt Wagner y Kelley Jones unen fuerzas para una nueva versión del vampiro más famoso del mundo: DRACULA VOLUME 1: THE IMPALER, el primero de cuatro volúmenes que exploran las historias veladas de Drácula. 

La novela clásica de Bram Stoker, Drácula, presentó posiblemente al personaje más famoso de la literatura de terror, pero la historia seminal deja gran parte de la rica historia y personalidad del Conde a la imaginación. Ahora, el legendario creador de GRENDEL, Matt Wagner, y el artista de cómics superestrella Kelley Jones (BATMAN & DRACULA: RED RAIN, SANDMAN: SEASON OF MISTS) se sumergen en los sangrientos y horripilantes eventos entre líneas de la famosa novela de terror. 

DRACULA VOLUME 1: THE IMPALER es la primera de una serie de cuatro novelas gráficas completamente nuevas de más de 100 páginas que tienen como objetivo llenar los tentadores vacíos en la historia del legendario Conde para brindar un retrato aterrador de Vlad Drácula, ¡desde su primera incursión en las artes oscuras hasta su ascenso al señor de los no muertos! Dark Horse Comics publicará el primero de los cuatro volúmenes planificados en las librerías el 22 de octubre de 2024 y en las tiendas de cómics el 23 de octubre de 2024.

DRACULA VOLUME 1: THE IMPALER explora la sangrienta historia de Drácula y su permanencia en el legendario seminario de las artes oscuras de Satanás, el Scholomance. “La novela original de Stoker no ha dejado de imprimirse desde su publicación inicial en 1897, y yo diría que Drácula es, de hecho, el personaje literario más famoso de todos los tiempos”, dijo Matt Wagner. “Los ecos inquietantes de ese cuento gótico continúan hasta el día de hoy, con una letanía aparentemente interminable de adaptaciones y expansiones en todos los medios narrativos: libros, películas, cómics, juegos. ¡Al igual que el señor de los vampiros, Drácula sigue levantándose de la tumba! Con este proyecto, Kelley y yo estamos encantados de presentar una perspectiva nueva y única sobre el conde sediento de sangre y su legendario reinado de terror”.

“Drácula proyecta una sombra alargada, por lo que al diseñar al señor de los vampiros y rey ​​de su especie, es mejor mantenerlo simple”, dijo el artista Kelley Jones. “Puro horror. Él es todo lo que tememos. Su rostro tiene que mostrar su placer al dar una muerte dolorosa y un beso seductor. Sus ojos, los pozos rojos del infierno. Una mueca que lleva una sonrisa mortal. Una figura que se funde con la sombra de la que surgen todas las pesadillas. Todo esto antes de convertirse en el Rey Vampiro. Matt Wagner ha hecho de Vlad Drácula todas estas cosas y más, y, francamente, se dibuja solo”.

DRACULA VOLUME 1: THE IMPALER se financió originalmente en Kickstarter a través de Orlok Press en 2023 con la ayuda de más de 3300 patrocinadores

Wagner y Jones están llevando a cabo actualmente una segunda campaña de Kickstarter para DRACULA—BOOK 2: THE BRIDES, que se extenderá hasta el 1 de noviembre.

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Legendary Comic Creators Matt Wagner and Kelley Jones

Explore The Secret History of Dracula in DRACULA VOLUME 1: THE IMPALER,

Now Out From Dark Horse Comics

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (October 22, 2024)—  Dark Horse Comics and comic book veterans Matt Wagner and Kelley Jones are joining forces for a new take on the world’s most famous vampire: DRACULA—BOOK 1: THE IMPALER, the first of four volumes which explore the veiled stories from Dracula. Bram Stoker’s classic novel Dracula introduced arguably the most famous character in horror literature, but the seminal story leaves much of the Count’s rich history and persona to the imagination. Now legendary GRENDEL creator Matt Wagner and superstar comic book artist Kelley Jones (BATMAN & DRACULA: RED RAIN, SANDMAN: SEASON OF MISTS) are diving into the bloody, horrifying events between the lines of the famed horror novel. DRACULA—BOOK 1: THE IMPALER is the first in a series of four all-new, 100+ page graphic novels that aim to fill in the tantalizing gaps in the legendary Count’s story to provide a terrifying portrait of Vlad Dracula—from his first foray into the dark arts to his rise to lord of the undead! Dark Horse Comics will publish the first of four planned volumes in bookstores on October 22, 2024 and in comic shops on October 23, 2024.

DRACULA—BOOK 1: THE IMPALER explores Dracula’s bloody history and his tenure at Satan’s legendary seminary of the dark arts, the Scholomance. “Stoker’s original novel hasn’t been out of print since its initial publication in 1897, and I’d argue that Dracula is, in fact, the most famous literary character of all time,” said Matt Wagner. “The haunting echoes of that gothic tale continue to this day, with a seemingly unending litany of adaptations and expansions in every narrative medium — books, films, comics, games. Much like the vampire lord himself, Dracula continues to rise from the grave! With this project, Kelley and I are thrilled to present a new and unique perspective on the bloodthirsty Count and his legendary reign of terror!”

“Dracula casts a long shadow, so when designing the lord of vampires and king of his kind, it's best to keep it simple,” said artist Kelley Jones. “Pure horror. He is everything we fear. His face has to show his pleasure at giving a painful death and a seductive kiss. His eyes, the red pits of hell. A grimace that bears a deathly smile. A figure that blends in the shadow that every nightmare springs from. This all before he becomes the Vampire King. Matt Wagner has made Vlad Dracula all these things and more — and frankly, it draws itself.”

DRACULA: BOOK I—THE IMPALER was originally funded on Kickstarter via Orlok Press in 2023 with the help of over 3.3K backers. Wagner and Jones are currently running a second Kickstarter campaign for DRACULA—BOOK 2: THE BRIDES, which runs until November 1.

Here’s what people are saying about DRACULA—BOOK 1: THE IMPALER:

Wow—in a good way, and I’m a Dracula snob so that’s saying something. This is a wild ride that sails well beyond Whitby and the Borgo Pass—and I believe this may well be the book Kelley Jones was born to draw. Here is all the mood and horror I would expect from him, but also a level of crazy (good crazy) that I’ve never seen from him before. And a huge nod of the bloody severed head to Matt Wagner, because somebody has to come up with all that crazy in the first place. And a big thank you to both of these guys for showing impalement (in all its anatomical glory) done correctly.”—Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy

“It is no easy thing to update the most famous horror story in history while staying totally true to the source material, but Wagner & Jones’ DRACULA does it in glorious, horrific, Lovecraftian style. The book evokes the classic elements and themes of Bram Stoker’s original while bringing an entirely new layer of eldritch terror to its most mysterious character, Vlad Dracula himself. I absolutely feasted upon the art and story alike.”—Ryan Condal (co-creator/showrunner, THE HOUSE OF THE DRAGON)

“A horror icon gets a new origin story from two legendary comic creators.”—IGN

“With stunning otherworldly visuals, two vastly experienced creators, and an iconic character, Dracula is a must-have for any comic collector or horror enthusiast!”—COMICS BEAT

“A unique take on Stoker's legendary character… Writer Matt Wagner and artist Kelley Jones flesh out the iconic bloodsucker's story like never before.”—DAILY DEAD

“Matt Wagner and Kelley Jones doing Dracula? Take my money.”—NEWSARAMA

“It's the creator of Grendel exploring the formative corruptions of Vlad Dracula? Sign me up! … Jones' bone-chilling artwork the story, which looks like it could have yanked right out of that legendary 90s Vertigo Comics oeuvre. Warning: there will be blood!”—BOING BOING

“It’s Dracula like we’ve never seen him before and more familiar than ever — a character study of a creature who has terrified and tantalized audiences for decades.”—AIPT

“Wagner and Jones approach their version of Dracula with a classic sense of dark fantasy, not unlike the kind found in the pages of older horror magazines like Creepy and Eerie. It’s apt, and it creates a richly textured stage for Dracula to play in as he seeks Satan’s tutelage in the dark arts.”—COMICS BEAT

“Wagner and Jones have—brilliantly, terrifyingly—filled in that crucial gap in the history of the Voivode Dracula: how he transformed from a monstrous warrior into an actual monster! Wholly convincing, totally canonical—don’t read this without a LOT of garlic and crosses at hand!”

—Leslie S. Klinger, editor, New Annotated Dracula

Dark Horse will publish DRACULA—BOOK 1: THE IMPALER in bookstores on October 22, 2024 and in comic shops on October 23, 2024. You can follow the Kickstarter campaign for DRACULA—BOOK 2: THE BRIDES here.

For more information, follow DarkHorseComics on social media and check our website, for more news, announcements, and updates.

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