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Portada de David Finch |
Este cómic está basado en la serie de TV donde la guerrera Xena y su aliada Gabrielle viajaban por el mundo en la era de Dioses y deidades Griegas haciendo justicia. Fue interpretada por Lucy Lawless, derivado las Aventuras de Hércules.
¿De qué viene?
Este recopilación narra los primeros días de Xena luego de haber renunciado a ser la jefa militar, cansada de las atrocidades que hizo antes de conocer a Hercules.
Este volumen narra el primer encuentro entre Xena y Gabrielle.
Este volumen narra el primer encuentro entre Xena y Gabrielle.
¿Qué sucede?
Xena salva a Gabrielle de un despiadado ex-soldado Jax, proeza que causa una gran impresión en Gabrielle, quien ahora quiere seguir a Xena a donde ella vaya, pero la princesa guerrera prefiere estar sola.
Estos personajes se equilibran entre sí donde la carga dramática la lleva Xena y la carga de comedia la lleva Gabrielle.
Arte y Trama
Meredith Finch y Vicente Cifuentes logran atrapar la esencia de estos personajes y trasladarlos con éxito al cómic, con un arte impactante y lleno de detalles.
Calidad de la edición
Esta edición contiene en orden todo este primer arco argumental, desde el #1 al #5, e incluye un aparte con todas las portadas alternas que Dynamite comics se esmera con tanta dedicación por proporcionar en todos sus cómics.
Este primer volumen introductorio nos presenta este primer encuentro entre Xena y Gabrielle, donde la acción y comedia de la trama de Finch son magníficamente apoyadas por el asombroso arte de Cifuentes.
5 de 5
Xena y Grabrielle año uno
Xena y Grabrielle año uno
Escritores: Meredith Finch
Ilustrador: Vicente Cifuentes
Colorista: Triona Farrel
Fecha de lanzamiento: 17 de octubre 2018
Publicado por: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
This comic is based on the TV series where the warrior Xena and her ally Gabrielle traveled the world in the age of Gods and Greek deities doing justice. It was interpreted by Lucy Lawless an it was a spinoff of the Adventures of Hercules.
Where does it come from?
This compilation tells the first days of Xena after having resigned to be the military chief, tired of the atrocities she did before meeting Hercules.
This volume tells the first encounter between Xena and Gabrielle.
This volume tells the first encounter between Xena and Gabrielle.
What's going on?
Xena saves Gabrielle from a ruthless ex-soldier called Jax, a feat that makes a big impression on Gabrielle, who now wants to follow Xena wherever she goes, but the warrior princess prefers to be alone.
These characters balance each other where the dramatic load is carried by Xena and the load of comedy is carried by Gabrielle.
Memories of Xena's past come to haunt her in each dream, tormenting her about her actions, specially in the town of Cirra, where one of the demons of her past comes to take revenge, in the form of Callisto.
These characters balance each other where the dramatic load is carried by Xena and the load of comedy is carried by Gabrielle.
Memories of Xena's past come to haunt her in each dream, tormenting her about her actions, specially in the town of Cirra, where one of the demons of her past comes to take revenge, in the form of Callisto.
Art and Plot:
Meredith Finch and Vicente Cifuentes manage to capture the essence of these characters and transfer them successfully to the comic, with a stunning art full of details.
Quality of the edition
This edition contains in order all this first story arc, from # 1 to # 5, and includes all the alternate covers that Dynamite comics strives with such dedication to provide in all its comics.
This edition contains in order all this first story arc, from # 1 to # 5, and includes all the alternate covers that Dynamite comics strives with such dedication to provide in all its comics.
This first introductory volume presents this first encounter between Xena and Gabrielle, where the action and comedy of the plot of Finch are magnificently supported by the amazing art of Cifuentes.
5 out of 5
Xena and Gabrielle year one
Xena and Gabrielle year one
Writers: Meredith Finch
Illustrator: Vicente Cifuentes
Colorist: Triona Farrel
Illustrator: Vicente Cifuentes
Colorist: Triona Farrel
Release date: October 17, 2018
Published by: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
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