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Portada arte de Fay Dalton |
Este cómic hace un crossover tan ambicioso como genial, Dynamite Comics y Archie Comics se unen para Vampirella and Red Sonja meet Betty and Verónica, que se encuentran con una terrible serie de asesinatos inexplicables en Riverdale.
Vampirella (principal exponente del cómic de terror y erótico) fue creada por Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin con el artista Frank Frazetta, ella proviene del planeta extraterrestre Drakulon, donde los Vampiri viven de beber sangre de los ríos.
Red Sonja es creada por Robert E. Howard de su universo de guerreros de Cimeria, llamada la Roja no solo por el color de su pelo, si no por toda la sangre que ha derramado su espada.
Betty y Verónica son dos personajes provenientes del universo de Archie Comics, estas dos adolescentes de Riverdale siempre se han interesado por Archie, cada una se caracteriza por ser buenas y dedicadas alumnas solo que provienen de estratos sociales diferentes por lo que poseen una visión diferente de la vida.
This comic has a crossover as ambitious as it is great, Dynamite Comics and Archie Comics join forces for Vampirella and Red Sonja meet Betty and Veronica, who are facing a terrible series of unexplained murders in Riverdale.
Vampirella (main exponent of the horror and erotic comics) was created by Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin with the artist Frank Frazetta, she comes from the extraterrestrial planet Drakulon, where the Vampiri live to drink blood from the rivers.
Red Sonja is created by Robert E. Howard of his universe of warriors of Cimmeria, called Red not only by the color of his hair, but by all the blood that has spilled his sword.
Betty and Veronica are two characters from the universe of Archie Comics, these two teenagers from Riverdale have always been interested in Archie, each one is characterized by being good and dedicated students only who come from different social strata so they have a different vision of life.
Where does come it from?
Writer: Amy Chu
Illustrator: María Sanapo
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Betty y Verónica son dos personajes provenientes del universo de Archie Comics, estas dos adolescentes de Riverdale siempre se han interesado por Archie, cada una se caracteriza por ser buenas y dedicadas alumnas solo que provienen de estratos sociales diferentes por lo que poseen una visión diferente de la vida.
¿De qué viene?
¿Qué sucede?
En Riverdale está sucediendo una serie de asesinatos misteriosos, que despertó las alarmas de Red sonja y Vampirella, que han sido aliadas en el pasado. La víctima es un profesor de biología de Riverdale High School eso despierta la curiosidad de las reporteras del periódico escolar Betty y Verónica.
Existe un culto llamado Cult of Chaos que son extremadamente peligrosos, Vampirella los conoce y sabe cómo operan, Riverdale está en peligro pero tiene de su lado a cuatro guerreras.
La manera en que las cuatro deben interactuar para consolidarse como equipo es sumamente divertida, mientras Vampirella y Red Sonja son aguerridas con un arquetipo de Ateneas y Artemisas, Betty y Verónica representan más arquetipos en sombra como Demeter y Cores.
El arte de María Sanapo es espectacular, lleno de detalles, maneja muy bien los tonos de cada personaje, la trama de Amy Chu da un peso dramático y gracioso a cada una, es sin duda un cómic que cumple con entretener y asombrar.
Existe un culto llamado Cult of Chaos que son extremadamente peligrosos, Vampirella los conoce y sabe cómo operan, Riverdale está en peligro pero tiene de su lado a cuatro guerreras.
La manera en que las cuatro deben interactuar para consolidarse como equipo es sumamente divertida, mientras Vampirella y Red Sonja son aguerridas con un arquetipo de Ateneas y Artemisas, Betty y Verónica representan más arquetipos en sombra como Demeter y Cores.
El arte de María Sanapo es espectacular, lleno de detalles, maneja muy bien los tonos de cada personaje, la trama de Amy Chu da un peso dramático y gracioso a cada una, es sin duda un cómic que cumple con entretener y asombrar.
Con una historia de misterio, intriga y terror estas cuatro heroínas se unirán para salvar a Riverdale.
5 de 5
Escritor: Amy Chu
Publicado por: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
This comic has a crossover as ambitious as it is great, Dynamite Comics and Archie Comics join forces for Vampirella and Red Sonja meet Betty and Veronica, who are facing a terrible series of unexplained murders in Riverdale.
Vampirella (main exponent of the horror and erotic comics) was created by Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin with the artist Frank Frazetta, she comes from the extraterrestrial planet Drakulon, where the Vampiri live to drink blood from the rivers.
Red Sonja is created by Robert E. Howard of his universe of warriors of Cimmeria, called Red not only by the color of his hair, but by all the blood that has spilled his sword.
Betty and Veronica are two characters from the universe of Archie Comics, these two teenagers from Riverdale have always been interested in Archie, each one is characterized by being good and dedicated students only who come from different social strata so they have a different vision of life.
Where does come it from?
This comic begins with a new story where this quartet of characters had never met before.
What happens in this issue?
In Riverdale is happening a series of mysterious murders, which awoke the alarms of Red Sonja and Vampirella, who have been allies in the past. The victim is a biology teacher at Riverdale High School that arouses the curiosity of the school newspaper reporters Betty and Veronica.
There is a cult called Cult of Chaos that are extremely dangerous, Vampirella knows them and knows how they operate, Riverdale is in danger but he has four warriors on his side.
The way in which the four must interact to consolidate as a team is extremely fun, while Vampirella and Red Sonja are hardened with an archetype of Athenaeus and Artemis, Betty and Veronica represent more shadow archetypes like Demeter and Cores.
The art of Maria Sanapo is spectacular, full of details, manages very well the tones of each character, the plot of Amy Chu gives a dramatic and funny weight to each one, it is without a doubt a comic that satisfies entertaining and amazing.
There is a cult called Cult of Chaos that are extremely dangerous, Vampirella knows them and knows how they operate, Riverdale is in danger but he has four warriors on his side.
The way in which the four must interact to consolidate as a team is extremely fun, while Vampirella and Red Sonja are hardened with an archetype of Athenaeus and Artemis, Betty and Veronica represent more shadow archetypes like Demeter and Cores.
The art of Maria Sanapo is spectacular, full of details, manages very well the tones of each character, the plot of Amy Chu gives a dramatic and funny weight to each one, it is without a doubt a comic that satisfies entertaining and amazing.
With a history of mystery, intrigue and terror these four heroines will come together to save Riverdale.
5 out of 5
Writer: Amy Chu
Illustrator: María Sanapo
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
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