En este cómic continúa el tercer arco argumental con el equipo creativo, Steve Niles (30 days of Night) y Marcelo Frusin (Hellblazer) donde Patience Lee controla la organización criminal más importante de Nuevo México EE.UU, logra darle sustento a su familia y puede hacer el bien con todo ese dinero sucio, sin embargo Patience tiene una debilidad, su vida privada y familiar, que estará a salvo mientras nadie conozca su identidad.
Penúltimo capítulo de este arco argumental.
¿De qué viene?
En Kick-Ass #16 Patience tiene un breve enfrentamiento con Rosa, pero la vence con facilidad. La mafia Rusa asesina a la competencia y se prepara para acabar con Kick-Ass.
Patience sigue estudiando y trabajando, sin embargo no descansa al saber que todos sus pasos y movimientos están controlados por su cuñado Maurice, quien la chantajea constantemente.
Patience sigue estudiando y trabajando, sin embargo no descansa al saber que todos sus pasos y movimientos están controlados por su cuñado Maurice, quien la chantajea constantemente.
¿Qué sucede?
Patience se está cansando de defenderse de los ataques de todos sus enemigos, los Rusos le hicieron daño a su equipo y estructura, por lo que ahora se va a dedicar a atacar con todo a la mafia Rusa, una venganza que venimos esperando desde el #15, con precisión causa estragos a sus enemigos.
Por otro lado su cuñado Maurice sigue presionándola y dando a entender que es su jefe, aparte que que la obliga a enmendar su discusión con Edwina sobre el ex-esposo de Patience. Esta es otra situación que tiene a Kick-Ass a punto de perder el control.
La sicario Rosa, está desesperada por saldar su fracaso con Patience.
Arte y Trama
Para este número Steve Niles y Marcelo Frusin nos otorgan la satisfacción de ver a Patience respondiendo todos los ataques recibidos, mediante una trama intensa y un arte dinámico.
Por otro lado su cuñado Maurice sigue presionándola y dando a entender que es su jefe, aparte que que la obliga a enmendar su discusión con Edwina sobre el ex-esposo de Patience. Esta es otra situación que tiene a Kick-Ass a punto de perder el control.
La sicario Rosa, está desesperada por saldar su fracaso con Patience.
Arte y Trama
Para este número Steve Niles y Marcelo Frusin nos otorgan la satisfacción de ver a Patience respondiendo todos los ataques recibidos, mediante una trama intensa y un arte dinámico.
Kick-Ass ataca con todo a sus enemigos, sin embargo sigue bajo el control de su cuñado, esta entrega veremos lo letal que esta Patience y cómo va a solucionar todas sus complicaciones, aunque todavía tiene enemigos poderosos en las sombras.
5 de 5
5 de 5
En este enlace pueden leer la reseña exclusiva (REVIEW) de:
Escritor: Steve Niles (@SteveNiles)
Ilustrador: Marcelo Frusin (@MarceloFrusin)
Colores y tintas: Sunny Gho (@SunnyGo)
Diseños: Melina Mikulic (@m0dra)
Editor: Rachael Fulton (@Rachael_Fulton)
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 11 de septiembre 2019
Editorial: Image Comics
Colores y tintas: Sunny Gho (@SunnyGo)
Diseños: Melina Mikulic (@m0dra)
Editor: Rachael Fulton (@Rachael_Fulton)
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 11 de septiembre 2019
Editorial: Image Comics
Instagram @kickass.hitgirl
In this comic continues the third sarc with the creative team of Steve Niles (30 days of Night) and Marcelo Frusin (Hellblazer) where Patience Lee controls the most important criminal organization in New Mexico USA, manages to provide sustenance to his family and makes some do good with all that dirty money, but everything hangs in the balance when her secret identity can be revealed.
Penultimate chapter of this arc.
Where does it come from?
In Kick-Ass # 16 Patience has a brief confrontation with Rosa, but she easily defeats her. The Russian mafia murders the competition and prepares to kill Kick-Ass.
Patience continues to study and work, however she does not rest knowing that all her steps and movements are controlled by her brother-in-law Maurice, who constantly blackmails her.
What happens?
Patience is getting tired of defending herself against the attacks of all her enemies, the Russians hurt her team and structure, so now she is going to dedicate herself to attacking the Russian mafia with everything, this is a revenge that we have been waiting for since # 15, precisely wreaking havoc on its enemies.
On the other hand, her brother-in-law Maurice continues to pressure her and imply that she is her boss, apart from that she forces her to amend her discussion with Edwina about Patience's ex-husband. This is another situation that has Kick-Ass about to lose control.
The sicario Rosa, is desperate to settle her failure with Patience.
Plot and Art
For this issue Steve Niles and Marcelo Frusin grant us the satisfaction of seeing Patience answering all the attacks received, through an intense plot and dynamic art.
Penultimate chapter of this arc.
Patience continues to study and work, however she does not rest knowing that all her steps and movements are controlled by her brother-in-law Maurice, who constantly blackmails her.
What happens?
Patience is getting tired of defending herself against the attacks of all her enemies, the Russians hurt her team and structure, so now she is going to dedicate herself to attacking the Russian mafia with everything, this is a revenge that we have been waiting for since # 15, precisely wreaking havoc on its enemies.
On the other hand, her brother-in-law Maurice continues to pressure her and imply that she is her boss, apart from that she forces her to amend her discussion with Edwina about Patience's ex-husband. This is another situation that has Kick-Ass about to lose control.
The sicario Rosa, is desperate to settle her failure with Patience.
Plot and Art
For this issue Steve Niles and Marcelo Frusin grant us the satisfaction of seeing Patience answering all the attacks received, through an intense plot and dynamic art.
Kick-Ass attacks his enemies with everything, however he remains under the control of his brother-in-law, this issue will see how lethal Patience is and how he will solve all his complications, although he still has powerful enemies in the shadows.
5 out of 5
You can read here the review (in spanish/english) of:
Writer: Steve Niles (@SteveNiles)
Ilustrator: Marcelo Frusin (@MarceloFrusin)
Colors and inks: Sunny Gho (@SunnyGo)
Designs: Melina Mikulic (@m0dra)
Editor: Rachael Fulton (@Rachael_Fulton)
Release Date: September 11
Publisher: Image Comics
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