sábado, 16 de marzo de 2024



¿De qué viene?

¡LOS VENGADORES están huyendo de LOS NUEVOS VENGADORES mientras emergen viejos enemigos! ¿Y cuál es el terrible secreto de IRON MAN, LA AVISPA…y H-DAY?

Capitán América Thor se enfrentan a James Stark y todo el ejército de EE.UU en lo que queda de la cárcel THE RAFT, James no está preparado para luchar contra Thor y escapa.

Ms. Marvel, Thor, Capitan America, La Nueva Hawkeye la cabeza de Iron Man y Tyler logran rescatar a todo el personal que cayó herido en THE RAFT a la guarida de Luke Cage, donde Rose los trata, aunque ella sigue molesta con Steve.

Tony ahora tiene una armadura unido a su cabeza y le explica a todos que por años vio cómo su hijo fue manipulado por Jarvis, que es en realidad Red Skull, para tomar el país poco a poco. Tony no recuerda bien lo que pasó el H-DAY, no sabe si su esposa Janet murió.

Tony convence a todos que deben ir a la sede de los NUEVOS "AVENGERS", la antigua mansión Stark, para descubrir sus debilidades y así vencerlos, pero sólo descubren que...no existen, forman parte de la manipulación de los medios perpetrada por Red Skull hace tiempo.

James frustrado es recibido por Jarvis con la cara Roja, Red Skull se revela ante James y lo convence de que deben tomar la Cas Blanca y de una vez controlar el país de manera abierta, no más en la clandestinidad.

Excelente capítulo lleno de revelaciones y con muchas dudas aun de lo que ocurrió en el H-Day, este cómic mejora en cada entrega algo que parece imposible, mostrando como es tomado por la fuerza un gobierno democrtico y convertirlo en una tiranía, esta analogía es tan relevante como escalofriante..

Lleno de texturas y trazos firmes que le brindan un dinamismo y tono adecuado para mostrar un futuro diferente con un tono real y visceral.

 Iron Man y Thor regresan y ahora los Avengers se empiezan a reunir poco a poco, pero no tienen mucho tiempo para detener a Red Skull.
Revelador e impactante capítulo. 

5 de 5

Escrito por CHIP ZDARSKY
Rotulador Joe Caramagna
Portada A de ALEX ROSS
Editor Tom Brevoort
A la venta el 13 de Marzo por @Marvel

   with spoilers

What does it come from?
THE AVENGERS are on the run from THE NEW AVENGERS as old enemies emerge! And what is the terrible secret of IRON MAN, THE WASP…and H-DAY?

Captain America and Thor face James Stark and the entire US military in what remains of THE RAFT prison, James is not prepared to fight Thor and escapes.

Ms. Marvel, Thor, Captain America, The New Hawkeye, the head of Iron Man, and Tyler manage to rescue all the personnel who were injured in THE RAFT to Luke Cage's lair, where Rose treats them, although she is still upset with Steve.

Tony now has armor attached to his head and explains to everyone that for years he watched as his son was manipulated by Jarvis, who is actually the Red Skull, to take over the country little by little. Tony doesn't remember well what happened on H-DAY, he doesn't know if his wife Janet died.

Tony convinces everyone that they must go to the headquarters of the NEW "AVENGERS", the old Stark mansion, to discover their weaknesses and thus defeat them, but they only discover that...they do not exist, they are part of the manipulation of the media perpetrated by Red Skull a while ago.

A frustrated James is greeted by Jarvis with a Red face, Red Skull reveals himself to James and convinces him that they should take the White House and once and for all control the country openly, no longer in hiding.

Excellent chapter full of revelations and with many doubts even about what happened on H-Day, this comic improves in each installment something that seems impossible, showing how a democratic government is taken by force and turned into a tyranny, this analogy is as relevant as it is chilling.

Full of textures and firm lines that give it a dynamism and adequate tone to show a different future with a real and visceral tone.

Iron Man and Thor return and now the Avengers begin to gather little by little, but they don't have much time to stop Red Skull. Revealing and shocking chapter.

5 of 5

Cover by ALEX ROSS
Letterer:Vc Joe Caramagna
Editor Tom Brevoort
Release date: March 13


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