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Portada arte de Frank Cho |
Vampirella (principal exponente del cómic de terror y erótico) fue creada por Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin con el artista Frank Frazetta, ella proviene del planeta extraterrestre Drakulon, donde los Vampiri viven de beber sangre de los ríos. Ella posee super fuerza, resistencia y puede volar y la tierra es su nuevo hogar que va a proteger.
Esta nueva serie celebra el 50 aniversario de este enigmático y poderoso personaje. Esta serie es para lectores adultos.
¿De qué viene?
En este cómic comienza un nuevo e interesante arco argumental dedicado a presentar nuevas revelaciones del origen de Vampirella.
¿Qué sucede?
La reconstrucción de un terrible accidente deja a Vampirella en un diván siendo psicoanalizada, el detalle es que el especialista no tiene idea de a quién está analizando, ella se enfrenta a un cruel y peligroso villano importante de su pasado.
La historia posee dos tramas que ahora tienen seis semanas de separación temporal que a medida que avance se conectarán.
Cada página de este cómic está llena de información importante con un arte épico, es simplemente IMPOSIBLE detener la lectura. La trama te envuelve en un ambiente de misterio y acción maravilloso, es un cómic que merece varias lecturas, este equipo creativo de Christopher Priest y Ergun Gunduz acaban de acuñar su huella en este personaje con apenas una sola entrega.
Dynamite cómics se tomó en serio está celebración del 50 aniversario de Vampirella, escogieron un equipo creativo de ensueño. Vampirella #1 comienza con acción, misterio y mucha sangre. Este arco argumental es muy personal para Vampirella.
5 de 5
Escritor: Christopher Priest
Ilustrador: Ergun Gunduz
Editorial: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
Fecha de lanzamiento: 17 de julio 2019
A continuación el trailer oficial:
Vampirella (main exponent of the horror and erotic comics) was created by Forrest J. Ackerman, Archie Goodwin with the artist Frank Frazetta, she comes from the extraterrestrial planet Drakulon, where the Vampiri live to drink blood from the rivers. She possesses super strength, endurance and can fly and the earth is her new home that she will protect.
This new series celebrates the 50th anniversary of this enigmatic and powerful character, this comic is for mature readers.
This new series celebrates the 50th anniversary of this enigmatic and powerful character, this comic is for mature readers.
Where does it come from?
In this comic begins a new and interesting story arc dedicated to presenting new revelations of the origin of Vampirella.
What's going on?
The reconstruction of a terrible accident leaves Vampirella on a couch being psychoanalyzed, the detail is that the specialist has no idea who is analyzing.
The story has two plots that now have six weeks of temporary separation that will connect as they progress.
Each page of this comic is full of important information with an epic art, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to stop reading. The plot wraps you in an environment of mystery and wonderful action, it's a comic that deserves many re-readings, this creative team of Christopher Priest and Ergun Gunduz have just coined their mark on this character with just one issue.
The story has two plots that now have six weeks of temporary separation that will connect as they progress.
Each page of this comic is full of important information with an epic art, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to stop reading. The plot wraps you in an environment of mystery and wonderful action, it's a comic that deserves many re-readings, this creative team of Christopher Priest and Ergun Gunduz have just coined their mark on this character with just one issue.
Dynamite comics was taken seriously this Vampirella's 50th anniversary celebration, they chose a creative dream team. Vampirella # 1 begins with action, mystery and lots of blood.
This story arc is very personal for Vampirella.
5 out of 5
The trailer here:
Writer: Christopher Priest
Illustrator: Ergun Gunduz
Release date: July 17
Posted by: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
Published by: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
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