jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023



Dark Horse Books y Tiny Onion Studios presentan The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos, una serie sobre la mayoría de edad, de héro,  de terror y LGBTQ+ de los escritores son James Tynion IV y Tate Brombal. Isaac Goodhart se une al equipo como dibujante y entintador con el coloreado de Miquel Muerto y el lettering de Aditya Bidikar.

Además de la portada principal de Nick Robles, también habrá otras seis portadas variantes que se pueden pedir: dos de Nick Robles, una de las cuales es una variante metalizada; dos portadas de David Talaski, una variante ordenable y otra incentivadora que brilla en la oscuridad (1:25); y, por último, dos portadas de Isaac Goodhart, una ordenable y una variante de incentivo virgen (1:10).

Conoce al científico loco adolescente Christopher Chaos. Durante toda su vida supo que era diferente. Su mente brillante trabaja de maneras que desafían la lógica y le permiten hacer cosas que lo empujan más allá de sus compañeros. Desafortunadamente, estas habilidades también le causaron un gran dolor en su vida personal, lo que llevó a otros a temerle y dejó a Christopher con una profunda soledad y culpa.

Entonces, un día, algo se rompe. Cuando el chico lindo de la escuela secundaria resulta ser una criatura mortal, Christopher se encuentra en un mundo de monstruos, héroes y un culto de cazadores para matarlos a todos.

"The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos es una retorcida carta de amor al terror, las historias de género de la escuela secundaria y a cualquiera que alguna vez se haya sentido como un extraño", dijo Brombal. "Estamos creando un universo monstruoso de proporciones épicas, y no puedo esperar. para que el mundo sea testigo de la loca ciencia que James, Isaac, Miquel, Aditya, Nick y yo hemos estado cocinando para ustedes. Este es el cómic que siempre soñé escribir".

The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1 llega a las tiendas de historietas el 21 de junio de 2023. Ya está disponible para pre-pedido en su tienda de historietas local. Esta será la primera vez que The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos estará disponible en forma impresa, ya que anteriormente se publicó exclusivamente en Substack.



The latest comic from House of Slaughter’s Tynion and Brombal!

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (March 23, 2023)— Dark Horse Books and Tiny Onion Studios presents The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos, an LGBTQ+ horror-hero coming-of-age series from New York Times bestselling and multi-Eisner Award-winning writers of Something is Killing the ChildrenThe Department of Truth, and House of Slaughter, James Tynion IV and Tate Brombal. Isaac Goodhart joins the team as penciller and inker with Miquel Muerto coloring and Aditya Bidikar lettering.


In addition to the main cover by Nick Robles, there will also be six other orderable variant covers: two by Nick Robles, one of which is a foil variant; two covers by David Talaski, one orderable and another incentive glow-in-the-dark variant (1:25); and finally, two covers by Isaac Goodhart, one orderable and one a virgin incentive variant (1:10).


Meet teenage mad scientist Christopher Chaos. For all his life he knew he was different. His brilliant mind works in ways that defy logic and enable him to do things that push him beyond his peers. Unfortunately, these abilities have also caused great pain in his personal life—leading others to fear him and leaving Christopher with profound loneliness and guilt.


Then, one day, something cracks. When the cute boy at high school turns out to be a deadly creature, Christopher finds himself pitted in a world of monsters, heroes, and a cult of hunters out to kill them all.


"The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos is a twisted love letter to Horror, high school genre stories, and to anyone who's ever felt like an outsider,” said Brombal. “We are crafting a monstrous universe of epic proportions, and I cannot wait for the world to witness the mad science that James, Isaac, Miquel, Aditya, Nick, and I have been cooking up for you. This is the comic I've always dreamed of writing."


The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1 arrives in comic shops June 21, 2023. It is now available for pre-order at your local comic shop. This will be the first time The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos will be available in print, as it was previously published exclusively on Substack.


Praise for James Tynion IV’s Blue Book:


Blue Book #1 is a loving retelling of a UFO classic, channeling all the high strangeness of the Hills' story into a tightly plotted and highly effective piece of work. Ending with a dramatic cliffhanger, this is a terrific first issue that will whet the appetite of hardcore Hynek fans and UFO newcomers alike.”-CBR


This, and the previous story, are a sight to behold, and I think it goes without saying that we’re in for a treat with this whole series.”–Comics Beat


Blue Book #1 is a brilliantly creepy and unique comic in a genre seldom utilized in the comics medium.”–Monkeys Fighting Robots


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