Portada arte de Mike Deodato Jr.
¿De qué viene?
Randall Crane, un modesto profesor estadounidense de estudios rusos y eslavos en la Universidad de Nueva York, es llamado por el gobierno de los EE. UU. para una misión internacional secreta de regreso a Rusia, donde sus secretos enterrados durante mucho tiempo salen a la luz. Cuando su equipo de apoyo de comandos es emboscado y asesinado, depende de Randall luchar para salir de Rusia usando su "conjunto particular de habilidades".
Randall Crane y Nika siguen escapando de los soldados que los persiguen, pero Randall a pesar de su edad demuestra habilidades de combate cuerpo a cuerpo y de manejo de armas impresionantes, y logra eliminar a los seis soldados entrenados.
Esta situación despierta las alarmas del submundo criminal de Rusia, donde el temible Mr Volkov pide su cabeza, viejos enemigos que esperaban su regreso para vengarse y Randall debe tener cuidado y sobrevivir a pesar de su lumbago.
Este cómic sigue con una intensidad narrativa hipnotizante, donde lo que aparentaba ser un héroe caído aún le queda mucha más gasolina en su tanque de asesino/espía.
Deodato presenta impresionantes secuencias y poses de pelea con un dinamismo impresionante y ángulos atrevidos, usando mucho los claroscuros y una disposición vertiginosa de los paneles.
Randall Crane sabe que está en problemas pero su nueva misión es sacar con vida a Nika de Rusia, pero todos sus enemigos del pasado están dispuestos a cobrar lo que les debe.
Alucinante segunda entrega.
5 de 5
Colores Lee Loughridge
Rotulador Steve Wands
Fecha de Lanzamiento 12 de abril 2023
Editorial AWA
Imprenta: Upshot Studios
Artist, Writers & Artisans es un editorial de cómics y medios digitales, propiedad y operado por creadores, fundado por los exalumnos de Marvel Bill Jemas y Axel Alonso, junto con Jon Miller, ex CEO de News Corp, Digital Media Group. Totalmente financiado por Lupa Systems, Sister Global y Lightspeed Venture Partners de James Murdock, AWA tiene algunos de los nombres más importantes del cómic y el cine, como J. Michael Straczynski, Reggie Hudlin, Garth Ennis y Frank Cho que trabajan para crear nuevos mundos, personajes e historias para una audiencia del siglo XXI. Más información en AWAStudios.net.
What does it come from?Randall Crane, an unassuming American professor of Russian and Slavic Studies at NYU, is called in by the US government for a secret international mission back to Russia, where his long-buried secrets come to light. When his support team of commandos is ambushed and killed, it’s up to Randall to fight his way out of Russia using his “particular set of skills.”
Reandall Crane is the main academic authority in the US on Russian culture and traditions, so he is contacted by US Army Captain Simon Crow, who explains that Elena Sidorov, a former and esteemed contact of Crane in Russia wants to be taken out of that country through an extraction operation.
Arriving in Russia, this entire assault team prepares for the meeting between Randall and Elena, which includes a surprise, Elena wants to be taken to the US accompanied by her daughter Nika, but suddenly they are attacked by another paramilitary team and Randall takes Nika with him, but at this moment he leaves his façade as a professor and academic to become the spy he once was.
This comic starts strong with a captivating story full of mystery, spies and suspense, where we meet a hero who is atypical, but who has already stolen our hearts.
Deodato amazes again by using new angles and creating dizzying chase and gunfight sequences, heavily using chiaroscuro creating peaks of drama in various scenes.
Deodato offers us looks of the characters inspired by famous actors, which allows us to visualize and prepare for the future film adaptation of this comic by AWA. Randall reminds us of actor Vincent Cassel, Elena of Gillian Anderson and Nika of Gal Gadot.
Randall Crane is not what he appears to be, and a past romance of his asks him for one last favor. A new kind of unconventional but efficient spy is here to steal our hearts
Release date: April 12
Colors Lee Loughridge
Letterer Steve Wands
Editorial AWA
Publisher Upshot Studios
Artists Writers & Artisans (AWA) is a comic book and digital media publisher, owned and operated by creators, founded by Marvel alumni Bill Jemas and Axel Alonso, along with Jon Miller, the former CEO of News Corp, Digital Media Group. Fully funded by James Murdoch’s Lupa Systems, Sister Group, and Lightspeed Venture Partners, AWA has some of the biggest names in comics and film, such as J. Michael Straczynski, Reggie Hudlin, Garth Ennis, and Frank Cho working to craft new worlds, characters, and stories for a 21st Century audience. Find out more about our work at AWAStudios.net.
For more information visit, AWA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and AWAStudios.net
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