jueves, 17 de octubre de 2024



Dark Horse Comics presenta Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire, una serie de cómics precuela de la temporada 4 de Stranger Things de Netflix con el personaje favorito de los fanáticos, Eddie Munson. 

La miniserie de cuatro números está escrita por Jody Houser (Stranger Things y Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things: Tales From Hawkins) y Eric Campbell (Dungeons & Dragons Worlds & Realms, Frank Frazetta's Dawn Attack), ilustrada por Diego Galindo (Stranger Things y Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things: The Tomb of Ybwen), coloreada por Diana Sousa (Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins, Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins) y rotulada por Nate Piekos (Stranger Things, Minor Threats). 

El número 1 llegará en el invierno de 2025 y contará con una portada variante de Magali Villanueve, Rebecca Pueblar, Jeremy Wilson, Nimit Malavia y Kyle Lambert, diseñador e ilustrador del arte clave de la serie Stranger Things.

“Jody Houser y Eric Campbell han entretejido de manera experta dos IPs queridas para destacar el corazón puro de Eddie Munson mientras fomenta a los héroes en todos los que lo rodean y celebra cómo Dungeons and Dragons puede fortalecer los lazos de amistad”, dijo el editor sénior Spencer Cushing. “¿Qué mejor manera de honrar el 50 aniversario de un juego querido que a través de la lente nostálgica de Stranger Things?”

“Tan pronto como vi la temporada 4 de Stranger Things, supe que la historia de Eddie Munson y el Club del Fuego Infernal sería una secuela perfecta para nuestra miniserie Stranger Things y Dungeons & Dragons”, agregó Houser. “Tanto Eric como yo estamos muy familiarizados con la forma en que D&D forja amistades y narradores, y ha sido maravilloso explorar Hawkins a través de esa lente”.

Acerca de Stranger Things y Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire:

El lanzamiento de hechizos, el blandir de espadas y la suerte de los dados dieron forma a las vidas de los chicos de Stranger Things mucho antes de que tuvieran que enfrentarse a monstruos de la vida real. Este cómic crossover presenta el ascenso de Eddie Munson a líder de facto del Club Hellfire, flashbacks de la legendaria campaña que lo enganchó a D&D, su reclutamiento de Lucas, Dustin y Mike, y vistazos a los mundos de fantasía que conquistaron juntos.

Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire #1 (de 4) llegará a las tiendas de cómics el 19 de febrero de 2025. El número 1 ya está disponible para preordenar en tu tienda de cómics local por $3.99.

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Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire #1

A heartfelt send-off to one of Stranger Things’ most beloved characters!

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (October 17, 2024)—Dark Horse Comics presents Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire, a prequel comic series to Netflix’s Stranger Things Season 4 featuring fan-favorite character Eddie Munson! The four-issue miniseries is written by Jody Houser (Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things: Tales From Hawkins) and Eric Campbell (Dungeons & Dragons Worlds & RealmsFrank Frazetta's Dawn Attack), illustrated by Diego Galindo (Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons, Stranger Things: The Tomb of Ybwen), colored by Diana Sousa (Critical RoleVox Machina OriginsCritical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins), and lettered by Nate Piekos (Stranger ThingsMinor Threats). Issue #1 arrives in Winter 2025 and will feature variant cover art by Magali Villanueve, Rebecca Pueblar, Jeremy Wilson, Nimit Malavia, and Kyle Lambert, designer and illustrator of Stranger Things series key art.


“Jody Houser and Eric Campbell have expertly woven together two beloved IPs to spotlight Eddie Munson’s pure heart as he fosters the heroes in all those around him and celebrate how Dungeons and Dragons can strengthen the bonds of friendship,” said Senior Editor Spencer Cushing. “What better way to honor the 50th anniversary of a beloved game than through the nostalgic lens of Stranger Things?”


"As soon as I saw Stranger Things season 4, I knew the story of Eddie Munson and the Hellfire Club would be a perfect sequel to our Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons miniseries,” added Houser. “Both Eric and I are very familiar with how D&D forges friendships and storytellers, and it's been wonderful exploring Hawkins through that lens."


About Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire:

Spell slinging, sword swinging, and the luck of the dice shaped the lives of the Stranger Things boys well before they had real-life monsters to face. This crossover comic features Eddie Munson’s rise to de facto leader of the Hellfire Club, flashbacks to the legendary campaign that got him hooked on D&D, his recruitment of Lucas, Dustin, and Mike, and glimpses into the fantasy worlds they conquered together.


Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire #1 (of 4) rolls into comic shops on February 19, 2025. Issue #1 is now available for pre-order at your local comic shop for $3.99.

Praise for Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons:

Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons is a love letter to the bonding power of D&D.”Comicbook.com


“…an endearing adventure. Allowing for a sneak peek into the world they lived in before everything turned so…strange.”Monkeys Fighting Robots


“With obvious affection for the legendary game that launched a thousand RPGs, Jody Houser and Jim Zub deliver a pitch-perfect origin story for one of the most iconic adventure parties in TV history.”Multiversity Comics

Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire #1
Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire #1
Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire #1
Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Hellfire #1

Be sure to follow DarkHorseDirect and DarkHorseComics on social media and check our websites, www.darkhorsedirect.com, and www.darkhorse.com, for more news, announcements, and updates.


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