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Dynamite comics lanza una serie basada en la legendaria banda de hard rock Kiss, famosa por sus shows cargados de efectos especiales y terror, donde sus cuatro integrantes llevan un maquillaje especifico. Esta banda legendaria se hizo famosa en al década de 1970 y 1980, siendo inspiración para varias generaciones, construyendo una gran franquicia.
Este cómic es para lectores maduros y colecciona del #1 al #5 de KISS BLOOD AND STARDUST.
¿De qué viene?
Lilith, reina demonio del infierno, les ordena Kiss a detener al famoso cantante de rock Derek Crowley, porque Crowley es un vampiro con una agenda de destrucción que traicionó a Lilith. Deben salvar a Alicia, es la clave de todo.
¿Qué sucede?
Kiss se enfrenta a este monstruo pero apenas conocen cómo usar los poderes que le otorgó la demonio Lilith, por lo que la pelea está algo desbalanceada hasta que en el momento final logran saber qué hacer, excelente giro en la trama donde la banda se une en un solo mega demonio.
Derek Crowley aunque pierde esta batalla está listo para enfrentarse a Lilith en una batalla de bandas, con esta guerra cierra esta historia.
Arte y trama
De nuevo felicitamos el nivel artístico de este cómic, impresionante atención a los detalles, es la principal razón de tener esta colección, la trama es algo predecible pero intensa, con muchas referencias a las letras de las canciones de esta mega banda de rock.
Calidad e la Edición
Tiene una gran calidad de impresión y orden e incluye al final TODAS las portadas alternas de los 5 cómics que incluye, donde hay trabajos espectaculares de Stuart Sayger con varias que hicieron conectadas.
Este primer arco de Kiss Blood and Stardust posee un arte espectacular pero la historia es algunas veces lenta y predecible y deja abierto a próximos volúmenes.
4 de 5
Escritor: Bryan Hill
Ilustrador: Rodney Buchemi
Colorista: Adriano Augusto
Escritor: Bryan Hill
Ilustrador: Rodney Buchemi
Colorista: Adriano Augusto
Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 de agosto 2019
Publicado por: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
Dynamite comics launches a new series based on the legendary hard rock band Kiss, famous for its shows loaded with special effects and horror, where its four members wear a specific makeup. This legendary band became famous in the decade of 1970 and 1980, being inspiration for several generations and biulded a huge franchise.
This comic is for mature readers and collects from # 1 to # 5 of KISS BLOOD AND STARDUST.
This comic is for mature readers and collects from # 1 to # 5 of KISS BLOOD AND STARDUST.
Where does it come from?
Lilith, hell demon queen, orders Kiss to stop the famous rock singer Derek Crowley, because Crowley is a vampire with an agenda of destruction that betrayed Lilith. They must save Alicia, it is the key to everything.
What's going on?
Kiss faces this monster but they barely know how to use the powers granted by the demon Lilith, so the fight is somewhat unbalanced until in the final moment they manage to know what to do, excellent twist in the plot where the band joins in a single mega demon.
Although Derek Crowley loses this battle, he is ready to face Lilith in a battle of bands, with this war he closes this story.
Art and plot
Again we congratulate the artistic level of this comic, impressive attention to detail, is the main reason for having this collection, the plot is somewhat predictable but intense, with many references to the lyrics of the songs of this mega rock band.
Quality and Edition
It has a great quality of print and order and includes at the end the alternate covers of the 5 comics that it includes, where there are spectacular works of Stuart Sayger with several that made connected.
Although Derek Crowley loses this battle, he is ready to face Lilith in a battle of bands, with this war he closes this story.
Art and plot
Quality and Edition
It has a great quality of print and order and includes at the end the alternate covers of the 5 comics that it includes, where there are spectacular works of Stuart Sayger with several that made connected.
This first arc of Kiss Blood and Stardust has a spectacular art but the story is sometimes slow and predictable and leaves open to future volumes.
4 out of 5
Writer: Bryan Hill
Illustrator: Rodney Buchemi
Colorist: Adriano Augusto
Release date: August 14 2019
Posted by: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
Published by: Dynamite Comics @dynamitecomics
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