miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2021



El escritor Chris Roberson (iZombie, God of War) y el artista nominado por Eisner Tony Parker (God of War, This Damned Band) regresan al mundo de God of War, junto con el colorista Dan Jackson (The Strain, The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys) y el rotulador John Roshell (Overwatch Anthology, Astro City), con portadas de Dave Rapoza, para God of War: Fallen God.

Es una miniserie independiente completamente nueva, ambientada entre los eventos de "God of War III" y "God of War (2018)".

God of War es una serie de videojuegos en 3ª. persona creada por SCE Santa Monica Studio y distribuida por Sony Computer Entertainment

¿De Que viene?

God of War: Fallen God sigue a Kratos después de conquistar a Zeus y frustrar a Atenea. Creyéndose finalmente libre de su esclavitud, zarpa hacia el desierto en un intento de distanciarse de su hogar y su vergüenza solo para encontrar que su rabia y culpa lo siguen. Kratos se enfurece contra el único enemigo que ha demostrado ser invencible: él mismo. Pero una guerra contra uno mismo es imposible de ganar y solo invita a la locura.

Kratos analiza su vida, esta tratando de entender cual es u nuevo propósito, quiere evitar su destino como God of War, pero no es algo que se pueda deshacer con facilidad.

Esta búsqueda de respuestas o soluciones a su problema existencial lo debilita, hasta caer vencido por su propio cansancio. era esto una prueba más?

Esta primera entrega es un análisis introspectivo de su vida, acciones y consecuencias, donde busca la redención por sus acciones, al no conseguirla su cuerpo no lo tolera.

Es muy dinámico, que resalta las emociones de ira, desesperación, tristeza y frustración de un dios

Kratos busca respuestas existenciales que no llegaran de manera fácil 

Calificación Total
3.8 de 5

Tony Parker
John Roshell
Dan Jackson
Dave Rapoza
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 10 de marzo
Publicado por: Dark Horse Comics

with Spoilers

Writer Chris Roberson (iZombie, God of War) and Eisner-nominated artist Tony Parker (God of War, This Damned Band) return to the world of God of War, along with colorist Dan Jackson (The Strain, The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys) and letterer John Roshell (Overwatch Anthology, Astro City), with covers by Dave Rapoza, for God of War: Fallen God.       

What does it come from?

Can a man ever be free of his past? Can the tides of time ever wash away the bloody sands of sin? Or do transpired trespasses permanently and inescapably stain one's soul? After conquering Zeus and thwarting Athena, Kratos believes himself to be finally free from his bondage. He sets sail for the desert in an attempt to distance himself from his home and his shame only to find his rage and guilt follow close behind. Kratos rages against the one foe that has proven to be unconquerable-himself. But a war against oneself is unwinnable, and only invites madness.

*An all-new tale, set between the events of God of War III and God of War (2018)!


Kratos analyzes his life, he is trying to understand what his new purpose is, he wants to avoid his destiny as God of War, but it is not something that can be easily undone.

This search for answers or solutions to his existential problem weakens him, until he is overcome by his own fatigue. was this one more test?

This first installment is an introspective analysis of his life, his actions and consequences, where he seeks redemption for his actions, as his body does not tolerate it.


It is very dynamic, which highlights the emotions of anger, despair, sadness and frustration the size of a god


Kratos looks for existential answers that won't come easily.

3.8 of 5

Chris Roberson
Tony Parker
John Roshell
Dan Jackson
Cover Artist:
Dave Rapoza
Release date: March 10
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Fuentes / Source
Dark Horse Comics

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