miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2020



Dark Horse presenta  La primera serie derivada de Umbrella Academy, la saga creada por Gerard Way y Shaun Simón, basado en el personaje de Seance-Klaus Hargreeves, el Número 4 en la academia, que ha sido interpretado magistralmente por el actor Robert Sheehan en la serie de Netflix.

¿De qué viene?
En TALES FROM THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH #3 Klaus  canaliza un fantasma al cuerpo de Vivian para que ella logre brillar en una audición para un papel,  ella se esta aprovechando de Seance ofreciéndole alcohol y relish.

Por otro lado se descubre los planes Shiver, que no es atrapar a Klaus para cobrar, el quiere volver a hablar con su esposa fallecida

Vivian es amenazada por lo secuaces de Shiver y desata un poder del otro mundo y los asesina, ella no sabe con lo que esta jugando.

¿Qué sucede? 
Klaus empieza a analizar si Vivian se esta aprovechando de el gracias a una charla con un fantasma en The Void.

Quienes secuestran a Klaus le explican que quieren hacerle entender que Vivian es peligrosa y lo convencen, el la enfrenta y aunque ella tiene poderes, logra vencerla.

Shiver se acerca a Klaus, listo para llevarselo y es capaz de todo por atraparlo.

Klaus escapa de Vivian pero pronto caerá en manos de Shiver

3.8 de 5

EscritorGerard Way, Shaun Simon
ArtistaI.N.J. Culbard
LettererNate Piekos
Artista de portadaGabriel Ba
Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de diciembre
Editorial: Dark Horse Comics


With Spoilers


Dark Horse presents The first series derived from Umbrella Academy, the saga created by Gerard Way and Shaun Simón, based on the character of Seance-Klaus Hargreeves, Number 4 in the academy, which has been masterfully played by actor Robert Sheehan in the Netflix series.

What does it come from?
In TALES FROM THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY: YOU LOOK LIKE DEATH # 3 Klaus channels a ghost into Vivian's body so that she can shine in an audition for a role, she is taking advantage of Seance by offering her alcohol and relish.

On the other hand, Shiver's plans are discovered, which is not to catch Klaus to collect, he wants to talk to her deceased wife again

Vivian is threatened by Shiver's henchmen and unleashes a power from the other world and kills them, she doesn't know what she's playing with.

What's going on?
Klaus begins to analyze if Vivian is taking advantage of him thanks to a chat with a ghost in The Void.

Those who kidnap Klaus explain that they want to make him understand that Vivian is dangerous and convince him, he confronts her and although she has powers, he manages to defeat her.

Shiver approaches Klaus, ready to take him away and is capable of anything to catch him.

Klaus escapes from Vivian but will soon fall into the hands of Shiver

3.8 of 5

Writer: Gerard Way, Shaun Simon
Artist: I.N.J. Culbard
Letterer: Nate Piekos
Cover Artist: Gabriel Ba
Release date: December 23
Publisher:  Dark Horse Comics

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