miércoles, 27 de enero de 2021



Dark Horse Comics trae esta adaptación en formato cómic basado en los libros y franquicia de video juegos de CD Projek Redcon una serie original de Netflix que ha roto récords de audiencia. 

¿De Que viene?
Geralt se ha empobrecido desde que las amenazas de monstruos desaparecieron. Los tiempos siempre han sido difíciles para Witchers, pero sin un trabajo continuo, su situación ha empeorado. Mientras Geralt explora nuevas posibilidades, recibe una solicitud del alcalde de Towitz, una pequeña ciudad donde los niños están siendo secuestrados por Foglets.

En The Witcher Fading Memories #2 Geralt investiga para descubrir que no son Foglets los que asesinaron a los niños, la alcaldesa tiene una conspiración que involucra al Mage, que al parecer no puede ser visitado por su estado de salud y esta aislado en una torre protegida por magia.

Geralt es apresado por los soldados de la Alcaladesa.

¿Qué sucede?
Witcher es expulsado del pueblo por la Alcaldesa, quien el paga pero hace correr un rumor para que sea abucheado por todos los habitantes del pueblo, sin embargo Geralt no va a irse y dejar todo este problema.

Esta convencido que el Mage, Woarthe es el responsable, que estos seres con creados por su mente trastornada, lo confirma con el doctor que lo trato una vez. Witcher esta seguro que la Alcaldesa sabe lo que sucede.

Witcher se dirige al castillo donde esta Woarthe para investigar lo que le sucede, esta visita resulta ser muy peligrosa para un ser tan poderoso como Witcher.

Arte y Trama

Este capitulo revela finalmente quien esta detrás de los Foglets, pero aun se desconoce por qué hizo lo que hizo, el ambiente macabro y de misterio sigue rondando esta genial historia, que apoyada por un arte que resalta todo lo siniestro que ocurre, aparte de mantener ese tono de terror.

Witcher esta muy cerca de descubrir quien esta detrás de la muerte de los niños.

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Fecha de lanzamiento: 27 de enero
Editorial: Dark Horse Comics


Dark Horse Comics brings this adaptation in comic format based on the books and video game franchise of CD Projek Red, with a Netflix original series that has broken audience records. It goes on sale on November 25.

What does it come from?

Geralt has become impoverished and dejected since monster threats have seemingly vanished. Times have always been hard for Witchers--but without continual work, his situation has worsened. As Geralt explores new possibilities for his life path, he receives a request from the Mayor of Towitz, a small town where children are being kidnapped by Foglets . . . but something feels off about this new threat.

Dark Horse Comics brings this adaptation in comic format based on the books and video game franchise of CD Projek Red, with a Netflix original series that has broken audience records.

In The Witcher Fading Memories # 2 Geralt discovered that it was not Foglets who murdered the children, the mayor has a conspiracy involving the Mage, who apparently cannot be visited due to his health condition and is isolated in a tower protected by magic.

Geralt is captured by soldiers.

What's going on?

Witcher is expelled from the town by the Mayor, who pays him but spreads a rumor so that he is booed by all the townspeople, however Geralt is not going to  leave all this trouble behind.

He is convinced that the Mage, Woarthe, is responsible, that these beings are created by his deranged mind, he confirms it with the doctor who treated him once. Witcher is sure that the Mayor knows what happens.

Witcher goes to the castle where Woarthe is to investigate what happens to him, this visit turns out to be very dangerous for a being as powerful as Witcher.

Art and Plot

This chapter finally reveals who is behind the Foglets, but it is still unknown why he did what he did, the macabre and mystery atmosphere continues to haunt this great story, which is supported by an art that highlights everything sinister that happens, apart from maintaining that tone of terror.


Witcher is very close to discovering who is behind the death of the children

5 of 5

Release date: January 27

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