viernes, 3 de marzo de 2023



Dark Horse Manga presenta H.P. LOVECRAFT’S THE SHADOW OVER INNSMOUTH llegará este otoño. Esta novela gráfica recopila la serie de manga completa de Gou Tanabe en un volumen completo, traducido por Zack Davisson. También incluye 12 páginas a todo color con una portada de tip-in adornada con tinta plateada.

En el invierno de 1927-28, el aislado asentamiento costero de Innsmouth, Massachusetts, fue asaltado por agentes del gobierno de EE. UU.: su costa quemada y dinamitada, y sus habitantes llevados a campos de internamiento. Sin embargo, ese no fue ni el principio ni el final del horror descubierto por un joven anticuario que viajó a Innsmouth en busca de rumores del pasado muerto de la ciudad, solo para descubrir que todavía estaban muy vivos... más frío que cualquier tumba terrenal!

Basado en el único libro publicado de H.P. Lovecraft en vida, , The Shadow Over Innsmouth es una nueva adaptación del maestro del terror del manga moderno Gou Tanabe.
El manga The Shadow Over Innsmouth de H.P Lovecraft estará en las librerías el 24 de noviembre de 2023 y en las tiendas de historietas el 15 de noviembre de 2023. Está disponible para pre-pedido ahora en Amazon, Barnes and Noble y en su tienda de historietas y librería local. Se venderá al por menor por $ 29.99.



One of H.P. Lovecraft’s classic stories comes alive in this manga by Gou Tanabe

MILWAUKIE, Ore., (March 3, 2023)— Dark Horse Manga presents H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth, set to arrive this fall. This graphic novel collects the full manga series by Eisner and Harvey Award nominee Gou Tanabe in one complete volume, translated by Zack Davisson. It also includes 12 pages in full color with a tip-in title page embellished with silver ink.


In the winter of 1927-28, the isolated coastal settlement of Innsmouth, Massachusetts was assaulted by U.S. government agents—its waterfront burned and dynamited, its people taken away to internment camps. Yet that was neither the beginning nor the end of the horror uncovered by a young antiquarian who traveled to Innsmouth in search of rumors from the town's dead past, only to find them still very much alive...and find truths lying under water deeper and colder than any earthly grave!

Based on the only H.P. Lovecraft story published as a book in the author's own lifetime, The Shadow Over Innsmouth is a new adaptation by modern manga horror master Gou Tanabe.


The H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth manga will be in bookstores November 24, 2023 and in comic shops November 15, 2023. It is available for pre-order now on AmazonBarnes and Noble and at your local comic shop and bookstore. It will retail for $29.99.


Praise for Gou Tanabe’s Lovecraft adaptations:


“I love H.P. Lovecraft…It would be great to adapt him as a serialized manga, but I actually saw Gou Tanabe create a great adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's stories. Afterwards, I ended up not doing it because I thought I wouldn't be as good as Gou's version.”—Junji Ito


Probably the best comic adaptation of Lovecraft to date.”—AiPT


Tanabe is an expert in rendering highly detailed landscapes that translate to a palpable sense of foreboding. The scenes in the mountain ranges feel isolating, alive, uninhabitable, and impossible to fully understand.”—Anime News Network


“Thankfully, Gou Tanabe really delivers. His ability to capture the majesty of the Antarctic wilderness in his expansive illustrations is impressive. Through his writing and realistic illustrative style, even the most mundane scenes from Lovecraft’s novella are a visual treat and fascinating to read. This attention to detail runs throughout and serves to bring the graphic horror elements of the story to life as well.”—The Right Stuf Anime


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