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El arte de todas las portada es de Francesco Francavilla (Afterlife with Archie) |
Este cómic forma parte de un nuevo arco argumental que incluye un país del mundo, ya visitó Colombia, Canadá y Roma. Escrita por el director/guionista Kevin Smith e ilustrado por la talentosa Pernille Oerum (DC Superhero Girls), esta historia sigue luego del volumen dedicado a Roma con Rafael Scavone y Rafael Albuquerque.
¿De qué viene?
Kevin Smith y Pernille Oerum establecen las bases de una nueva historia que nos traslada a Hollywood, donde cada una de las cuatro capítulos hará tributo a una era del cine:
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #1: THE SILENT ERA: dedicado al cine mudo, no hay diálogos en esta entrega.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #2: THE TALKIES: rinde tributo a las primeras películas habladas, por lo tanto los sonidos son vitales en la trama mediante los efectos de sonido onomatopéyicos.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #3: SENSURROUND: Sensurround es un proceso desarrollado en la década de 1970 por Universal Studios para mejorar la experiencia de audio durante la presentación de películas en cines, este cómic se basa en sonidos intensos.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #4: LIGHTS! CAMERA ! ACTION!: El cierre donde muestran la delgada línea que divide la fantasía y la realidad en el Hollywood actual.
Este cómic arranca con Mindy deteniendo una terrible situación en un colegio, para descubrió que en la biblioteca hay un libro con la biografía no autorizada de Hit-Girl, con una serie de información errónea de su vida. Mindy se infiltra en una visita guiada en el estudio ficticio Global International Pictures, encargado de filmar esta película llamada Hit-Girl Hasta Aquí (Heretofore Hit-Girl).
Mindy busca al productor de este filme Lew Brothsteen, al llegar descubre que fue atacado y le adjudican a ellaesta "castración" por lo que los medios revelan su ubicación de Hit-Girl, que lleva 3 años con un perfil muy bajo y fuera de EE.UU. Un enemigo del pasado regresa para cobrar venganza, el único sobreviviente de la familia Genovese, Francesco Genovese.
Mindy es perseguida por el sobreviviente de la familia Genovese, el F.B.I y por esta misteriosa depredadora de depredadores sexuales que es Dick-Taker, que copia las técnicas de ataque de Hit-Girl, su identidad secreta les sorprenderá.
Las secuencias de acción son brutales, exageradas y brillantes, rescatan esa ultraviolencia característica de esta serie que Mark Millar y John Romita Jr crearon, aparte de ser una entrega sumamente visual, cada panel, cada página transmite mucha información, Smith y Oerum ofrecen un volumen espectacular.
Este cuarto volumen ubica a Hit-Girl en Hollywood como escala improvisada en su tour mundial de limpieza de criminales, ella nunca imaginó que la ilusión del cine fuese tan real. Este cómic cierra con una historia interesante, fresca donde nuevos aliados se unen la cruzada de Mindy.
5 de 5
5 de 5
En este enlace pueden leer la reseña exclusiva (REVIEW) de:
Escritor: Kevin Smith @thatkevinsmith
Ilustrador: Pernille Oerum @pernilleoerum(@dcsuperherogirls)
Colores: Sunny Gho (@SunnyGo)
Escritor: Kevin Smith @thatkevinsmith
Ilustrador: Pernille Oerum @pernilleoerum(@dcsuperherogirls)
Colores: Sunny Gho (@SunnyGo)
Diseño y producción: Melina Mikulic @m0dra
Editor: Rachael Fulton (@Rachael_Fulton)
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 13 de Febrero 2019
Editorial: Image Comics
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 13 de Febrero 2019
Editorial: Image Comics
Instagram @kickass.hitgirl
Hit-Girl fue creada por Mark Millar y John Romita Jr. y es protagonista de 4 novelas gráficas (Kick-Ass, Kick-Ass 2. Kick-Ass 3 y Hit-Girl), películas, video juegos y en un futuro juego de mesa.
This comic is part of a new story arc that includes a country of the world, she already visited Colombia, Canada and Rome. Written by director / screenwriter Kevin Smith and illustrated by the talented Pernille Oerum (DC Superhero Girls), this story follows the volume dedicated to Rome with Rafael Scavone and Rafael Albuquerque.
Where it comes from?
Where it comes from?
Kevin Smith and Pernille Oerum lay the foundations for a new story that takes us to Hollywood, where each of the four chapters will pay tribute to an era of cinema:
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #1: THE SILENT ERA: dedicated to the silent film, there are no dialogues in this issue.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #2: THE TALKIES: pays tribute to the first spoken movies, therefore the sounds are vital in the plot through onomatopoeic sound effects.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #3: SENSURROUND: Sensurround is a process developed in the 1970s by Universal Studios to improve the audio experience during the presentation of movies in cinemas, this comic is based on intense sounds.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #1: THE SILENT ERA: dedicated to the silent film, there are no dialogues in this issue.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #2: THE TALKIES: pays tribute to the first spoken movies, therefore the sounds are vital in the plot through onomatopoeic sound effects.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #3: SENSURROUND: Sensurround is a process developed in the 1970s by Universal Studios to improve the audio experience during the presentation of movies in cinemas, this comic is based on intense sounds.
HIT-GIRL SEASON TWO #4: LIGHTS! CAMERA ! ACTION!: The closing where they show the thin line that divides fantasy and reality in today's Hollywood.
What happens in this issue?
This comic starts with Mindy stopping a terrible situation in a school, to discover that in the library there is a book with the unauthorized biography of Hit-Girl, with a series of erroneous information of his life. Mindy infiltrates a guided tour in the fictional studio Global International Pictures, in charge of filming this film called Hit-Girl Up Here (Heretofore Hit-Girl).
Mindy looks for the producer of this film Lew Brothsteen, when he arrives he discovers that he was attacked and they attribute to her this "castration" for what the media reveal his location of Hit-Girl, who has been 3 years with a very low profile and outside of US. An enemy of the past returns to collect revenge, the sole survivor of the Genovese family, Francesco Genovese.
Mindy is persecuted by the survivor of the Genovese family, the F.B.I and by this mysterious predator of sexual predators that is Dick-Taker, who copies the attack techniques of Hit-Girl, their secret identity will surprise you.
The action sequences are brutal, exaggerated and brilliant, rescue that ultraviolence characteristic of this series that Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. created, apart from being an extremely visual comic, each panel, each page transmits a lot of information, Smith and Oerum offer a spectacular volume.
Mindy looks for the producer of this film Lew Brothsteen, when he arrives he discovers that he was attacked and they attribute to her this "castration" for what the media reveal his location of Hit-Girl, who has been 3 years with a very low profile and outside of US. An enemy of the past returns to collect revenge, the sole survivor of the Genovese family, Francesco Genovese.
Mindy is persecuted by the survivor of the Genovese family, the F.B.I and by this mysterious predator of sexual predators that is Dick-Taker, who copies the attack techniques of Hit-Girl, their secret identity will surprise you.
The action sequences are brutal, exaggerated and brilliant, rescue that ultraviolence characteristic of this series that Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. created, apart from being an extremely visual comic, each panel, each page transmits a lot of information, Smith and Oerum offer a spectacular volume.
This fourth volume locates Hit-Girl in Hollywood as an improvised scale on her world tour of cleaning criminals, she never imagined that the illusion of cinema was so real. This comic closes with an interesting, fresh story where new allies join the crusade of Mindy.
5 out of 5
Writer: Kevin Smith @thatkevinsmith
Ilustrator: Pernille Oerum @pernilleoerum(@dcsuperherogirls)
Colors: Sunny Gho (@SunnyGo)
Ilustrator: Pernille Oerum @pernilleoerum(@dcsuperherogirls)
Colors: Sunny Gho (@SunnyGo)
Design: Melina Mikulic @m0dra
Editor: Rachael Fulton (@Rachael_Fulton)
Release Date: June 19 2019
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: June 19 2019
Publisher: Image Comics
Instagram @kickass.hitgirl
Hit-Girl was created by Mark Millar y John Romita Jr.. and is the protagonist of 4 graphic novels (Kick-Ass, Kick-Ass 2. Kick-Ass 3 y Hit-Girl), movies, video games and in a future board game.
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